Some people just plant them 1/2 to 1 inch deep, keep the soil moist (not saturated) and wait to see what sprouts, or you can germinate them in moist paper towels and when you see the white tap root start emerging, carefully place them in soil, tap root down. Google "marijuana germination" you'll get a ton of hits.
Plant it in the bin you plan to grow in so you dont have to transplant, thats just unnecessary stress for it.
I have 100% germination success using a damp paper towel folded inside a Ziploc bag and then blow air into it to fill it up like a humitidiy dome. Its a good idea to germinate first so you know if you have good seeds before you waste your time and it also speeds it up a lot quicker I usually germ within 24hours plant the seeds 1/4 deep and again within 24hours they pop thru the soil. Good luck! Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app