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Do you have specific high jobs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CornDawg, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Well me and my mates have specfic jobs, that we do when were high.

    Me i am the cleaner, chef (when there just not powering through what ever resembles food).

    Friend 1: provides a car, take away, movies and games.

    Friend 2: Supplier, and bong creator (we don't have a real one, just bodgy them together with old bottles)

    Friend 3: Provides money for food movies and what not (Weed we all pitch in)

    Anyway so that resembles our basic structure, do you have something similar or just do what you want.
  2. it used to be something like that for my old group but I've been hangin with newer people recently so It's just do wtv. We all supply dro and have our own pieces so it all just depends. I always come with some sativa, my bong and at least a pipe and some papers... other people bring their faves and we just mix and match. No reason to make it more complex than it has to be tho... Just show up and do wtv, toke and do what u do for fun, ya digg?

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