Do you have an accent on XBL?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by SarahfromNB, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. As most of you know, on xbox live, you're allowed to talk to millions of gamers all over the world. Obviously since people live in different countries, states, continents, we all have different accents and dialects. I'm from the Boston(ish) area of Mass in the states and I'm constantly asked to keep talking so people can hear it. It gets a little annoying after awhile, especially when i'm just being mocked. "Say car and park! COME ON!" Anyone else have the xbl accent issue? Or is anyone here the type to make people keep talking?

    I'll admit though, I love hearing thick accents from other countries but I'm not gonna harass someone about it! Y'all need to smoke a bowl and let a Yankee play in peace :smoking:
  2. Never had that problem, but I'm from the widwest, so we one of the least Accenty-accents.

    I dated a girl from Australia for a couple years though, and she got questioned about it every single day. She got pretty annoyed with it after awhile.
  3. I slur my words when blown if that counts aha
  4. Northerners typically talk very fast and now that you mention that, my words come out super slow when I get stoney bologna! It makes me normal :hello::hello:
  5. Haven't had XBL for a long time, but when I played alot of Halo 2 back in the day, with most of the players being American, I got lots of comments on my Canadian accent, which I didn't know I had lol.

    I suppose I do say "eh" a decent bit though.
  6. I sound like I'm from Washington heights
  7. New word I'm constantly made of for: calling out an enemy sniper (SNIPAH)

    Every goddamn time I played Halo 4 with people from GC they're all "Ey townie, say car", shit is obnoxious as fuck.

  9. [quote name='"SarahfromNB"']As most of you know, on xbox live, you're allowed to talk to millions of gamers all over the world. Obviously since people live in different countries, states, continents, we all have different accents and dialects. I'm from the Boston(ish) area of Mass in the states and I'm constantly asked to keep talking so people can hear it. It gets a little annoying after awhile, especially when i'm just being mocked. "Say car and park! COME ON!" Anyone else have the xbl accent issue? Or is anyone here the type to make people keep talking?

    I'll admit though, I love hearing thick accents from other countries but I'm not gonna harass someone about it! Y'all need to smoke a bowl and let a Yankee play in peace :smoking:[/quote]

    What's your Xbox gt I wanna hear you say car and park ? How about "water" ?
  10. i'm from mass. too, nobody says that stuff to me. i did seem to notice a huge portion of americans i hear seem to have country/midwest accents
  11. My gt is DirtyLittleSyn if anyone wants to ever play! But chill with that water ishhhh. I'm happy to see I'm not only northeasterner with that issue. We should run a campaign against discrimination!
  12. Nope, I do have a really deep voice which comes out even deeper over the standard XBL mics. I get accused of being 40 year old a lot.
    I never use mics anymore though
  13. I've been told I sound Canadian. I don't know what the hell that's all aboot, Canadians don't have an accent, eh?

    Omega369 :wave:

  14. Same. I'll join a lobby and say what's up or w/e and people start talking shit saying I'm some grandpa haha
  15. My first job in LAX was in air traffic controller, You wouldn't believe the shit I got with a Russian accent, I quit cause they wanted me to cut my long blond hair....fuckers

    car park ...NO dats KHAR PAARC
  16. I lost my Khakis.
    Translation: I lost my car keys.
  17. Well, I'm from Scotland and my voice is quite deep and my accent is very thick since it's Glaswegian.

    I get asked to say Aye alot or Scary (Skerry) or whatever else, there's a ridiculous amount of words that sound different when I say them. Not to mention I get asked if I wear a skirt or have ginger hair or something stereotypical.

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