List all of your charges besides traffic tickets. And none of that "I was charged with five felonies and did ten years" bullshit! Specify! 1.) Caught smoking a blunt- Charged with possession of marijuana (violation). I received a six month ACD and court mandated drug testing. 2.) (stupid I know) Went behind an abandoned motel with two friends, me and one friend turn around to the other kicking down a fucking door! We looked inside and took this little 6in tv as a souvenir. Pulled into a gas station and got surrounded by like nine squad cars. Tried charging us with criminal trespass, breaking and entering, and burglary (all three felonies). Ended up with just being charged with trespass (violation) and again received a six mo. ACD. It began the day after the first ended. I also was admitted to the drug program again without the tests. (was arrested without being processed) 3.) Got pulled just after smoking and got caught with pills, bud, a switchblade, and beer in the car. I'm currently being charged with possession of marijuana (violation) and possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree (class A misdemeanor). I go to court to plea this thursday. (I was arrested for this one as well, processed too). So, how about you guys?
Possession of Marijuana less than 20 grams Manufacturing paraphernalia - felony Possession of alcohol under 21 bullshit when i was 18 a while back. florida is garbage with weed laws
1.possession of paraphenelia 2.possession of marijuana under one ounce 3.disorderly conduct* 4possession of marijuana theres another one but i couldnt tell you what it was.
Only 3 Theft under $50. This should be off my record Possession of Paraphenalia Failure to appear I was driving on a highway in the middle of nowhere taking some friends home when I got stopped doing 70 in a 65. This was one of those roads where its 70 in the day and 65 at night. Because of that, I got pulled over. They found a clean makeshift pipe on me, but they found a dirty one on my friend so I got stuck with that Then we both skipped court to go to a concert in detroit Never been arrested though. Ive been insanely close many times.
1. Felony and Misdemeanor vandalism. All charges were dropped on my part even though I tried to make them stick. Seems retarded right? My brother paint bombed a lot of shit, I tried to help him out, I was under 18 so I wasn't worried about a record. Most that would have happened was fines and probation. He refused my stories of doing most of the tagging around town, cops also didn't care that I admitted to most of everything besides the paint bombing, they charged my bro with everything. He spent about a year in jail, and I still hate the FBI for refusing to charge me with anything. 2. 2 underage drinking fines. No big though.
DVD. I was with my friend who loved to steal shit. He even took his dads cobra that night. I wasnt charged for his pipe. I was charged because even though mine was clean, it had a screen in it, which said I was probably going to use it for weed
Dude.. you tottally coulda fought that. Even if you represented yourself. I once got caught stealing, as a kid, we tried to put a gas station out of business. I took some candy and mints.. gum and shit. The manager saw me, I never even saw him. An undercover walks up and pulls out his badge, tells me he can arrest me and it's up to the manager. He let me go thank god.
I caught a bullshit detention in 8th grade... they had nothin against me and I did a hard hour. I've resented the system ever since.