do you harvest when all pistils are gone?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ghsbum08, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Hi i have a plant that is close to harvesting i think and i dont have a magnify class and i was wondering if you harvest when all the pistils have change color?
  2. It is all personal prefrence, as when the trichnomes, not pistols are changeing colors that means their is chemical changes going on within those bad boys also with thc, cbn, and tons of other chemicals that are always overlooked when people talk about cannabis. Generaly people harvest when %70-80 of the trichnomes are an amber color though. Im sure their are various threads with detailed info and pictures to explain this process a bit further.

  3. ^^^^^^^

    what that says above.

    but, be aware that the 'white' strains tend to just get milky trichnomes.
  4. Here you go...

  5. well what if you dont have a magnifing glass, then how can you tell?

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