Do you guys think surgeons can get high?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheCoolest420, Oct 14, 2011.

  1. You think they can smoke and then go do surgery and shit? I was kind of thinking about medical school. But i don't wanna become a surgeon if i can't even get high because i'm always on call.
  2. Could they? Sure. Can they? No. Imagine going in for a vasectomy while your doctor is stoned as balls.
  3. *sir, it seems like you got this infection when the surgeon accidentally let his dreads touch your open flesh
  4. Probably not. I think that goes with a lot of intense jobs though.
  5. working at McDonalds is intense. like riding roller coaster maaan, frying french frys one day then on drive-thru the next, fucking intense maaan.
  6. Hell no. You got a persons life in your hands. You should not EVER get high at work if you got a work like that. NEVER! Period! It's like the most irresponsible thing you can do.
  7. No. People who have the mindset to become surgeons don't smoke. They study and prepare.

    If you even have to ask this question, you need to look into something where other people's lives aren't in your hands, like ditch digger, or street sweeper. Seriously.
  8. That is a terrible question... absolutely.

    Have you heard of something called malpractice?
  9. It would be unethical for a surgeon to perform surgery while on duty...
    If being stoned is more important to you then that, then medicine surgery probably isn't for you.
  10. Being a doctor doesn't mean you can no longer smoke marijuana recreationally....but when you're on call or at your practice you simply can't be high.

    If you're looking for a successful career where you possibly hold peoples lives in your hands and can be high all day I'd try......oh wait.
  11. :)If I had $5 for every on call doc that came stumbling in drunk/stoned off his a** I could buy something very nice.

    Medical Boards Let Physicians Practice Despite Drug Abuse (

  12. How the hell can you be a nose and throat specialist, but still want to do cocaine?
  13. [quote name='"Cruizer"']How the hell can you be a nose and throat specialist, but still want to do cocaine?[/quote]

    Cocaine is a hell of a drug
  14. its like being a doctor and smoking cigarettes or eating chewing me.. a lot more doctors do it than not, I mean most of my lecturers do it and my head of department of anatomy pounds grits like ron jeremy pounds beezes. It's really whatever they want to do, they obviously know its bad, they obviously dont look any better when they do it..but i guess sadly it's a checkup or two, go outside for a grit or two and come back and maybe do a surgery. It's like being fat and being a cardiologist. the BEST cardiac surgeon/cardiac specialist i know..or well anyone in the medical field knows, is fuckin overweight as fuck. but what matters? your appearance? fuc kthat. he makes so much bank it's not even funny. so there you have it. a ENT specialist snorting cocaine..well besides that cocaine is illegal, isnt' really that outrageous.
  15. Their all hitting the slopes here at SBU:rolleyes:
  16. Man, have you ever met someone in like a good med school? They eat, drink and sleep class for all 4 years of undergrad. I bet they have only smoked a few times in their life.
  17. So a surgeon can never be a medical marijuana patient, even if it is the only effective medicine for their condition?
    They should just pack it up and go work at mcdonalds?
    I don't see how it would actually negatively effect their performance unless they attempted surgery during their first few times medicating. Oh, I mean "getting high".
  18. [quote name='"An Ita"']So a surgeon can never be a medical marijuana patient, even if it is the only effective medicine for their condition?
    They should just pack it up and go work at mcdonalds?
    I don't see how it would actually negatively effect their performance unless they attempted surgery during their first few times medicating. Oh, I mean "getting high".[/quote]

    Agreed. Some people can still function while high. I think the paranoia of fuckin up, is the only aspect to acknowledge.
  19. Yeah. I've never had to have surgery, but if I ever do you can be damn sure the fucker won't even have had more than a cup of coffee. If that.
  20. No they don't and they cant, there's allot of drug checkups for anyone in medicine, they get tested weakly, it's so they know if there stealing medicine.;)

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