Do you guys save your roaches?

Discussion in 'General' started by thatlaud, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. I never did but i recently have gotten into the habit of savin them, these are from a week and a half, weighed them all minus the paper/shells and it came out to 6.8 grams, from now on im saving all of em =D



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  2. Brandon, try rolling 2nd gen joints. Just a joint outta only roaches. A third gen is a joint rolled out of 2nd gen roaches, and so on. Just something fun to do, tastes not so great but whatever :)
  3. Thats a good idea, ive always just packed a bowl and toked em thru my bong. Id imagine ur method makes the joint burn nice and slow too?


  4. I usually just throw them in a bowl and finish it haha.

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  5. 3rd generation Blunts get you fucked up.

    Sent from The Gods.

  6. I bet haha, are u better off rolling a 3rd generation blunt or joint? Cuz i am trying to cut back on my blunt consumption lol


  7. Burns nice if rolled correctly, but I'm not a fan of the taste, they do pack a pretty good punch tho. Prepare for black resiny lips afterwards :)
  8. Hahahah yeah i bet! I roll pearls though so that's never really an issue. Im gonna save up an oz worth of roaches and make 28 2nd gen joints lol


  9. Haha good luck man, smoke on my brotha :D
  10. Never waste any weed. 
  11. Does a bear shit in the woods!?!?! Roll a roach blunt and be prepared to be very stoned..

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  12. Dude those aren't roaches, those are small blunts. . . Smoke that shit down til they stingers

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  13. hell yeah i save em', shit.
  14. Yup we save them until we're out then use them to roll joints. Very resin-y but fantastic.

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  15. Yeah. I usually wait until the people of the household go to sleep, and I'll smoke the roaches I saved. Now that I have a bong, it's easier to hit it without getting "scooby snacks" on my lips.
  16. #16 GreenLeaf9421, Nov 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2013
    Sometimes I check myself if I'm a good stoner or not by observing what I do with left over weed. 
    Like a roach that is too small to be picked up by human fingers, it has to be picked up by using chopsticks. 
    Or after you grind your weed, the tiny bits that are still in the grinder... do you just blow it off, as if they were merely dust, or do you carefully remove them and put them in a bag?
    Something like that... 
    And honestly, I have to confess that sometimes I get the urge to just get rid of the waste weed, instead of going through the trouble of collecting them. 
    Laziness. That's what it is. 
    But until today, I have never wasted any weed. At least not that I'm aware of. 
  17. I'll save 'em if it's convenient to save them, but I won't hold onto one if I'm out and about. Ain't nobody got time for that.
    And I throw them into a bowl. I won't roll with them; too sticky.
  18. hell yes! save them for my bowl

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