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Do you get horny when you're baked?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GNJ Aristocrat, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I've heard alot, both sides. A lot of people say no, but a lot say yes. I'm a dude, and I know i'm hella in the mood right away.
  2. Anybody else gonna go jerk off now?
  3. sometimes
  4. If there is a reason to be..
  5. For some reason I get horny when I'm trippin. Women just look so beautiful, except the fake ass ones, they look like monsters
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  6. Never used to until I picked up a strain from my new guy. Haven't smoked any other type of bud since so I don't know if it's all trees or just the strain. Either way it sucked because my then girlfriend and I are in different countries. Since we split now I can smoke out some cute ladies, I'll let y'all know if it has the same effect on them.
  7. I've vaped shit that gives me instant boners.
  8. Depends. Sometimes my dick won't work at all, and sometimes I'm like OH GOD WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MY DONG, nawmean?
  9. I'm female and don't think I get horny from being high, but I get horny aloot easier IF I think about it. I can almost orgasm just from mental stimulation alone, literally lol.
  10. only edibles baby only edibles:p
  11. If I get too high my dick wont work sometimes.
  12. yeah sometimes right after i blaze it just kinda happens
  13. If I'm with a girl that I know I have a chance with, then yea. And if I'm home alone and have access to porn I'll jerk it. Don't really get horny per say, but it feels a lot better high.
  14. oh no haha i approve of this thread
  15. you have the ability to pull up so porn, nuff of a reason lol:smoke:
  16. Jeez wat the fuck are you wonderwoman!!??
  17. Always get so horny ):
    Vibrators come in handy....

    But unless im at work lol
  18. Not without a good reason, it's not like I hit the blunt and want to hump anything that moves. With that being said, if my girls over I'd say I get hornier than usual but nothing that's not normal.
  19. What's that tell everyone? Natural is beautiful. :smoke:

    Haha anyway, I used to like everytime I smoked, huge boner by the time I was done with the bowl. Not so much anymore unless there's a reason to be.
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