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Do you feel cool smoking pot or do you just enjoy yourself?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by driving, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Their was something about smoking outside near a creed with my buddy in the cold and walking back inside college res rooms stoned as hell that always felt good and "cool" i gotta say. Did  did you ever feel cool about smoking, did you ever have a jay and silent bob like duo or smoking crew? How and where would you smoke?

  2. You sound stoned. It's definitely not cool to smoke weed unless you're in high school and want some thug reputation, but being stoned feels cool as fuck. I think I know what you mean by feeling cool when you went to the res rooms. You're just high as hell floating around with a cool attitude. Attitude is everything.
  3. I don't "feel cool" because of the act of smoking weed. When I'm high I "feel cool" in the sense that when I'm high my self-esteem is a lot higher and I'm a lot braver in social situations. I think that is the distinction you are trying to make.

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  4. yes
  5. I feel like a badass, all the time, every time.

    Feel like an awesome badass every time I smoke doe.
  6. I smoke far too often to think of it as "cool" anymore, its just a routine for me now, and because I need it for its medicinal properties.

    Way back when I was a noob tard smoker I would feel cool smoking weed haha thats just because the vibe I got from weed before I ever smoked it was that its something that chill people do.

    But in my old neighborhood I would sometimes smoke a blunt longboarding down mainstreet in the evening, I didnt even give a fuck lol I just hoped anyone who looked would assume it was a cigarello, never had any problems, and I would always feel like a hero for not getting caught
  7. I didn't choose thug life

    Thug life chose me
  8. I only smoke pot because it makes me look cool.
  9. I only feel cool when I do smoke tricks, otherwise I just enjoy myself.
    btw, blowing rings then shining them with a laser is fuckin dope
  10. i smoke it because it is a gift from the Hindu god Shiva. 
  11. I like to go back to my high school and hang around grade 8 kids at lunchtime while they give me mad rep and props for smoking weed

  12. both to be honest , but when i do smoke i have to have someone watching me when i hit my bong so i go onto chatroulette or omegle ahaha. its like a ocd thing or something i swear.
  13. Dude, it's almost lunch time here so I'm about to head up to my old HS and smoke with the cool kids. They think I'm like super cool because I smoke so much! 
    :laughing: :laughing: ;)
  14. #14 As Above So Below, Oct 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2014
    But honestly, I smoke because I like to. When I smoke I don't feel cool, I just feel chill, if that makes sense lol. When I'm high not a lot of shit bothers me lol.
    Or like when you just smoked a fat blunt and you meet up with some friends and your like
    "Heeeey what's up duuude??"  eyes red and chinky as fuck lol.
  15. I used to feel "cool" when I did it for the first few times... But I'm not 14 anymore :laughing:
  17. It feels cool but I don't tell people. If someone asks me if smoke weed I'll admit it but I won't ever smoke weed in public I'll just do it in my house or car

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  18. I use cannabis because it prevents my migraines and I also enjoy it! (A very enjoyable and effective medicine? GOTTA LOVE IT!) :smoke: 
    As for "looking cool".... I don't need to "look cool". I am about the coolest old lady you might ever meet!    :laughing:
  19. #19 iphidamas, Oct 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2014
    lol wow no
  20. LOL, dude your wayy to stoned. Anyone over the age of 14 who smokes to look cool needs to get a grasp on there life, but i smoke to chill out and enjoy life.

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