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do you ever...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by reachin4cloud9, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 reachin4cloud9, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    do you ever have wierd shit happen to you that you can never explain??(has been happening daily recently both high and sober!!!)

    do you ever like imagine being high when ur not and make u feel high or when ur high try an freak urself out once ur in a place where it doesnt matter??(when im about to go to bed high i freak myself out by thinking the room is like flying through space and spinning.pretty fun)
  2. you have a good imagination
  3. I was like

    Attached Files:

  4. made me laugh but really??

  5. u just changed what it said like 3 times. make ur mind up!
  6. My mind tells me to do things so I abide.

    edit: But I do love me some head spins every now and then.

    Some times they aren't fun though, and I don't get em too often anymore unless I'm super fucking loaded.
  7. im going to try that tonight. it probably sounds retarded sober but i think it can work cause im high right now.
  8. You should always do what the voices in your head tell you to do. :smoke:

  9. yeah back when i first started id always think the room was spinning or falling so now tht i have a tolerance i do that and it feels crazy. its just as crazy as spinning and getting dizzy when ur high. also anything iv mentioned is 10x cooler with your eyes closed

  10. It's hard cause when I choose which one to listen to they argue and I get confused.

    Thats when I smoke more weed and they all agree by then.
  11. I don't "Imagine" myself being high when im not. But sometimes I get high without smoking anything. Ive always just called it my natural high. I think what it is, is just a release of endorphines that makes me feel good. I'm not sure what triggers it exactly but it defiantly does happen to me sometimes. It's not like smoking weed kinda high, I just feel good and happy. So i guess kinda like being high. haha
  12. nah man i ran out of rocks

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