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Do you ever smell weed when there is no weed present?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BrbEatingResin, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 BrbEatingResin, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Simple question.

    Happens to me all the time and confuses the hell out of me.

    If so, anyone know why this happens?
  2. i taste it sometimes
  3. dude for some reson my sweat smells like hard core chron lol
  4. I smelled it earlier in the car with my friend when we were going to pick up some bud. None in the car though :confused:
  5. There's always a little weed around.
  6. most of the time its from blowing smoke out ur nose and then it gets stuck in your nose anu smell it later. i found blowing my nose helps
  7. sometimes i take a piss the morning after a night of heeavy seshing (like 5 or 6 grams to my dome) and it smells skunky lmao
  8. I think there must be something that triggers a tokers sense of smelling weed. I randomly smell weed all the time if i regularly smoke. But during a long t-break, my friends begin to smell it randomly, and i dont smell it. So i think there must be something that triggers this, since they all smell it at the same time.

  9. interesting theory bro...
  10. on road trips, i smell weed.

    I know its a dead skunk, but still get frantic and start looking for the weed farm being burnt down by the cops :p
  11. I smell it all the time at school... It's a community college lol so everyone's blazed.
  12. Only after I smoke. :smoke:
  13. Alot of time when Im driving I will smell a skunk (someone probably ran over it or something, who knows), and though I know its a skunk, I can't help but think thats it is some FIRE southern bud
  14. My room reeks of pot all the time and I usually blow smoke onto my clothes by accident so yea, I pretty much have the smell of pot in my nostrils 24/7.
  15. I always smell it at work! I think it's my boss, but yet again it could just be me sweating. Lmao. THC sweat. The only good sweat.

  16. That's what I'm wondering.

    I taste it too very rarely though.
  17. Kevin and me were at the school, by the pool a few days ago, suddenly, a strong smell like White Widow came out of nowhere and we were like :eek: (Bud smell, not burned)

    And a random guy tells us "Smells good huh" :smoke:
  18. Yeah, when i sweat i swear to god it smells like mad dank.

    And when I think about weed i suddenly smell it. Mind fucks me every time. I was watching the union and for some reason i smelt my finger (dont ask) and it smelt like fucking bud :D I didn't even smoke since like a week before that haha
  19. I know what you mean. I'll just be walking around outside, and smell DANK out of nowhere. I think it might just be a grow house somewhere.
  20. Growing up I hated the smell of a distant skunk.
    Now it makes my mouth water.

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