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Do you ever get "the giggles" anymore?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by GreenVoyage, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. When I was younger and first started smoking, I used to laugh uncontrollably at the stupidest things, or sometimes even nothing at all. These days, something has to be genuinely funny to get those kind of laughs. Anyone else laugh less than they used to while high?
  2. not really, although if I get some nice hash especially Afghan no matter what I do I cant stop laughing but that soon wears thin and you just become a zombie eating everything in site and not moving, I love hash but boy does it make you lazy.
  3. Nah man, I used to get mad giggles but I've pretty much grown outta that.
  4. i dont because ive developed a tolerance, after a good tbreak i get torn up and laugh like crazy (when joking around with friends)
  5. [quote name='"GreenVoyage"']When I was younger and first started smoking, I used to laugh uncontrollably at the stupidest things, or sometimes even nothing at all. These days, something has to be genuinely funny to get those kind of laughs. Anyone else laugh less than they used to while high?[/quote]

    I want to get those highs again .... I get em like once a month maybe .....
  6. Take a month off and you'll get those highs again
  7. [quote name='"GreenVoyage"']When I was younger and first started smoking, I used to laugh uncontrollably at the stupidest things, or sometimes even nothing at all. These days, something has to be genuinely funny to get those kind of laughs. Anyone else laugh less than they used to while high?[/quote]

    Sometimes, and I love it xD
    Don't get me wrong I still laugh my ass off, but not at pointless shit like before haha.
    But that's only if I'm smoking dankity-dank and I haven't smoked all day (or more).

    Oah I miss those days.... I don't wanna tbreak tho :(
  8. If I'm watching something funny all the time.
  9. I went to a dispensery that had the effects of the particular strain. One of them said "the giggles" I don't remember the strain name but damned if I didn't giggle like crazy that night.
  10. im 21 years old and i laughed at the word "bubbler" for 45 mins... i still get the giggles for no reason
  11. No, but damn the second time I got high I laughed at something funny my sister said and laughed for like 20 minutes straight, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.
  12. Man now that I think about it I really don't get the giggles anymore. Kinda make me sad. :(
  13. i am known for my giggling haha
  14. i know exactly what you mean OP.. i miss being 16
  15. It always comes around. Just wait for it.
  16. only happens when i'm REALLY baked
  17. I used to alot but not anymore just once in a blue moon ill just start busting out laughing uncontrolably at nothing even.
  18. Edibles always gives me the giggles, smoking not as much unless I smoke a shit load of weed haha
  19. I miss the good old giggle days. Hopefully they come back once I'm off this t break
  20. I still get giggly with some of my best friends, cuz we crack each other up naturally and with weed on top of it it gets uncontrollable. :D

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