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Do you ever buy with change?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smoking515, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I occasionally have to pay for a dollar or two with quarters but thats about it, so do you ever pay with pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters? all in change? few dollars in chance?
  2. Me:"Got the stuff" Dealer:"Got the cash" Me:"Yea" Reaches into pocket and pulls out 200 pennies, 50 dimes, 100 Nickles* Dealer:"Seriously.." Me:"Want me to count it for you?"

  3. haha no way bills all day im a g


    its money who gives a fuck

    but they do have machines that turn your coins into paper currency

    surely black magic my friend
  4. Most prices are divisble by 20, sometimes 10 so I could never see myself doing that unless I was paying like 70 or 110, and had to get that last 10 and used a 5 and some 1's.
  5. I once bought a dime-bag in all change, the guy was pretty cool though. I don't recommend it, doesn't come off as professional at all.
  6. My dealers don't take change...
    And that would be pretty embarrassing.
  7. Bought a eighth with those gold dollars... 50 of them lol
  8. yea dude fuck coinstar i jus give it to my dealer :rolleyes:
  9. I went out and bought a really nice change counting machine, just so my patients could pay me in change if need be. Sometimes people fall on hard times and still need their meds! I really don't mind it at all. It all spends the same!
  10. What if they're doing the rounds and seeing 4 or 5 people on that trip? They're not going to appreciated 2kg of loose change on them by the end of it...
  11. No, I would never disrespect my dealer like that. He would just laugh at me. Take that shit to coinstar!
  12. Never pay in change, though I have a friend who like collecting neat coins for his kid, so whenever I unearth one of the coins either Rob or I picked up overseas Ill give it to him. His kid now has british, gibralter, norwegian, french, german, spanish and italian coins =)
  13. Actually yeah, I usually buy my gas for the week with the quarter packs i manage to throw together during the week, like 10 or 20, sometimes even 30 bucks. And the dude behind the counter still gives me the same look and i kinda just shrug and go to the pump and it works everytime so far :)

    As for paying a dealer, I dunno about all that, i usually have as few bills as possible in the exact amount so it can be a smooth transaction. Most of the time i've been wanting to smoke for quite a while by that point.
  14. A couple times. But I was good friends with the girl I was buying from and she was unemployed at the time so she didn't give a fuck what I paid her with. Money was money.

  15. ^^ That i do. But to the dealer. Naw. He would tell me to fuck off. at least the plan b dealer would.
  16. No man. I'd go into a store and change the change into bills before giving it to my dealer. You kidding me? NEVER do that!

    My friends and I have bought blunts in change before. One time it was all pennies. The guy didn't mind though and blunts are only a $1.06. But buying what? Half gram, gram, etc. with change? Come on now.
  17. Do you ever not smoke weed? No. Dealers around here just tell you to go suck a dick for the cash if you try and pay with change.

    Always pay with cash.
  18. no but i did buy a dime in all singles once, is that noobish? lol
  19. Well, not as bad as change but it'd still be nice if you gave him a bill instead.

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