Do you date or... fuck?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Misc, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Or both.

    I've only had a handful of dating relationships myself.

    Fucks on the other hand... are easily had.
  2. I can't do the random fuck... well yeah I can but I prefer not to.

    I have a couple of girls that I take out biweekly or so and hang out with during the week once or twice. I don't get mad I tell them that I consider our relationship open however they don't do anything.
  3. I've mostly been in fucking relationships? We don't really go on dates but we fuck a lot. Usually in their parents houses. :devious:

    Random fucks not so much. Not because I don't prefer them but because they don't show up really. Course I'm not really looking for them.

    I'm not much for dating. Here and there is fine but doing it as a means of learning about somebody is kind of a bullshit way to go about it.
  4. I fuck on the first date.
  5. i dated back when i hadn't fucked
  6. I'm not a fan of random fucks. Bit slutty imo. I made my boyfriend wait for around two and a half years til I slept with him. He must of thought I was worth it lol.

  7. damn thats fucked up... I would of waited a week or 2 max lol
  8. I don't think it is fucked up. I enjoy spending time with him. Sure sex is great but I don't need to have sex to have a good time. I didn't really have much of a sex drive though so I wasn't interested in losing my virginity. Then one time he got me excited and we did it. After 5 or so attempts cos it was too hard to get in and hurt way too much lol.

  9. ooh now thats a different story.. your virginity ahh I see.. yea thats coo everybody has different sex drives some have them higher then others, so its all good. damn I bet now it doesn't hurt anymore lol
  10. Nope..entry still hurts. I sometimes really wish his dick was smaller. I always had the idea that the person I lost my virginity to would be the only person I would have sex with. Being intimate with someone who you truly love is amazing, I can't imagine it any other way.

  11. It truly is.
  12. i guess i'm more into dating. i'm not much for the random fuck, to be honest i find them a bit awkward. however, there have been a couple vacations i've been on where i've ended up hooking up with some total stranger and it was pretty awsome.

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