Do you clean your bongs while high?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Jarhead5153, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 Jarhead5153, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    I usually clean my bongs when I want to be productive but would rather not be baked for some reason or another. It's a fun, weed-related activity that I can do without impairing myself if I need to go somewhere else or do hard schoolwork.

    Sometimes though I'd like to clean my bongs and I AM high. But I'm wary that I might be less delicate or have a reduced capacity to take the necessary care. Because of this fear, I have not yet attempted to clean them while high. I wonder how risky it is...

    Does anyone clean their bongs while blazed?
    Has that ever caused anyone to break a bong?
  2. i do the same i clean my piece when im high
  3. I usually don't because of that reason i don't wanna break somethin.
  4. Every time i attempt to clean my binger high, I will have to make a trip to my local head shop to buy a new slide, breaks every time.:mad:
  5. I almost always clean my bongs when I'm high... I'm never too concerned about breaking my glassware... cuz, well, I never really do. (one piece has been broken over 5 times, but I keep fixing it... damn top heavy tube just keeps falling over...)
  6. Hmm. I think I'll probably just play it safe and find other less risky things to do while high. It's good to hear some insight, it's probably for the best.
  7. I cant think of the last time I was sober, so no doubt I'm always cleaning my bongs high.
  8. Hell sumtimes i shower with my bong high hahaha:D

    the faucet in the bathtub is the only place i can fit my bong under for a better rinse. lol
  9. just did brotha
  10. Not a single day goes by when I don't clean my glass steamroller thoroughly after using it.
  11. I usually clean right before I smoke, but soo far I've haven't broke anything cleaning high.
  12. I hit my bong about 10 minutes ago and now I'm cleaning it. I almost always clean it when I'm baked.
  13. I clean my pieces high...

    ..but thats because I'm always high and someones gotta clean 'em
  14. I clean my bong while sleeping
  15. Clean my bong while high? Yes.
    Clean my bong while stoned? Never.
  16. you posted that at 420 hahahaha

  17. Bah, 3:20 my time.
  18. yep sure do
  19. I have never actually broken a bong during cleaning whilst blazed, but I have broken a slide and a diffused downstem..

    *knock on wood*
  20. Cleaning in the bathtub is a great way, that way you minimize the chances of dropping it and if you do drop it, it shouldn't break. How long have you been smoking? After smoking for a while things should become natural to you, and you will be able to do everything you could sober, just as well.

    If you have a choice of doing it high or sober and you've been doing it sober I'd just stick to that
    the loss of a bong can be a heartbreaking thing. :D

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