Do you brush your teeth everyday?

Discussion in 'General' started by Tinklepee, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. 2-4 times a day
  2. I brush 2x every day. I've still had cavities and what not...

    My nasty ass older brother only brushes his teeth like 2x/ WEEK... he has never had a cavity and has these beautiful teeth. :confused: He claims he's not brushing away the enamel so he doesn't get cavities.
  3. #23 Virtue 7, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011

    Well, there ya go. He's doing something right, right?

    Look at the back of your tooth paste. All those chemicals can't be helping you.
  4. Humans don't produce pheromones.
  5. Fun fact: People who floss live on average 7 years longer than people who don't.

    :D Check out them choppers. :D
  6. Oh yes. Flossing is great :D

    But for real on the 7 years?!
  7. When I'm 80 my dick ain't gonna be able to stick up anyways so that extra 7 years will just make me wanna kill myself even more
  8. #28 8bitjoint, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
    You should look up Androstadienone. I forgot the other names but we do have the power of google. The jury is still out on this one but there are some studies done on the subject suggesting that we do.

    Edit: Also look up the discovery channel's documentary, "The Science of Sex Appeal" (2009).
  9. I should hope you brush everyday..
    Thats like saying do you shower everyday, its standard hygiene
  10. I never can brush at night but once a day in the morning.

    What I wonder is how you brush at night and if you get hungry and eat again wtf?? wasted brushing right?
  11. Maybe not every single day, but every other at least!
    I used to have very poor oral hygene and I'm paying for it now, litterally :(
    Brush them teefers, kiddos!
  12. Is this shit true? I brush twice but NEVER floss.
  13. If anyone says no that's pretty disgusting
  14. I don't understand what makes it so "disguisting"?

    If you're a healthy person, it shouldn't matter if you skip brushing your teeth every other day :confused_2:
  15. It makes no difference how healthy you are. That doesn't stop the bacteria and left over food from building in your teeth not only rotting them away slowly but giving you bad breathe.

    I don't understand what's so hard about using 2 minutes of your day to clean your mouth. :confused_2:

    Your significant other would probably like it!
  16. Dude, of course it matters how healthy you are.

    Bacteria plays a role, too you know. I brush my teeth every other day. It don't think it's "hard" to do it. I'm not lazy.. There's just no point in putting in chemicals in your body like that every day. My teeth are white. My breath doesn't stink :D
  17. honestly, no, and nobody has ever said i've got bad breath, but then i drink a lot of tea.

    but say i were to vomit, or drink a lot of coffee or soda, i would brush my teeth. the grainy feeling is maddening.
  18. once a day, every morning
  19. Normally twice a day, but always at least once a day.. I didn't realize some people take days off, haha.
  20. oh yeah, i used to brush my teeth after every cigarette, and it got to the point that my teeth felt "sensitive" all the time.

    brushing 3-4 times a week isn't that bad.

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