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Do you believe Marijuana Changes who you are?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PermanentlyHigh, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. I'm sure you guys have all heard the stories about Marijuana changing who you are, after a while.
    Do you guys believe that it does?
    In my experience, I believe it does. In the last 6 months I've noticed dramatic changes in my personality, and the way I act.
    I'll include a poll :hello:
    Thanks guys!
  2. [quote name='"PermanentlyHigh"']I'm sure you guys have all heard the stories about Marijuana changing who you are, after a while.
    Do you guys believe that it does?
    In my experience, I believe it does. In the last 6 months I've noticed dramatic changes in my personality, and the way I act.
    I'll include a poll :hello:
    Thanks guys![/quote]

    I think it does too. I used to be so pissed off like 24/7. Now im more calm wen i smoke

  3. I still get aggro as!
    Nothing I hate more then my little brother playing CoD after my high's just ran off.
    I used to tear chunks off that little prick. Haha.
  4. Marijuana doesn't change you. But YOU can change with Marijuana (either in a positive- and bad way, it's up to you) :D
  5. For me I don't think the changes are related to the plant so much as the affect it has on me. After smoke my very really stress and pain diminishes some and and allow's me to interact with the world in a much more fluid way. I suppose ill answer yes because of this, but am not sure the answer can be a simple yes or no.
  6. Once I accepted where I was going wrong in my life and stopped being afraid to open my mind to the mistakes cannabis was letting me see it helped me become a better person in so many different ways.

    Cannabis is far more than just getting high, those who know the true benefits of cannabis are those that will live their life to the fullest and not just let it pass them by, it lets you become the person you always knew you would become one day, its hard to put into words really but I am so grateful I have weed in my life.
  7. While I am smoking I am generally a little more tired. I don't think it changes who you are.
  8. it awakens you, slowly but surely and based on your intentions
  9. I would have to say no, i feel that im the same person that i was 8 months ago
  10. No. But I strongly believe it can change the way you think about many things.

    In my case, I have change my mind a lot since I first started smoking. Its a little long to explain, but it gave me another perspective about things, and it helped me a lot.


  11. The fact it has changed the way you think about things will change the person you are you might not see an instant change but look at your life before weed and then imagine your life with out weed at all and I am sure you will agree it has changed you and for the better by your wording.
  12. [quote name='"PermanentlyHigh"']

    I still get aggro as!
    Nothing I hate more then my little brother playing CoD after my high's just ran off.
    I used to tear chunks off that little prick. Haha.[/quote]

    Oh i still get pissed just not as much as b4 lol
  13. You need a "Depends on the person" option, it's all about willpower.

    I've got many friends who weed has turned into assholes, or made them extremely lazy to the point where they don't even wanna leave their house to match up. I've also got some friends who smoke multiple times daily and haven't changed in the slightest.

    I personally have been told by many people that I'm one of the few people they know that smoking regularly didn't change, or at least not in a noticeable, negative way.

    I find that I'm generally more pleasant (unless I'm dry and haven't smoked in over a day, then I get moody for a few days), more on task at work, more motivated to get important shit done when sober (sometimes the incentive to get high is what causes this, but whatever's clever!), I'm more organized, strict about going to the gym, etc.

    In general weed has just improved my lifestyle, except diet-wise. But I know others who had the complete opposite happen.

    In the end, I think it comes down to moderation and knowing yourself, if you know yourself well enough and have strong enough willpower to stop yourself when you notice it's changing you for the worse, then feel free to smoke away!
  14. Weed helped me stop judging people. After i started blazing i was kinda on the oppoaite side, as in i was doing something i had previously judged ppl for. Kinda nice to have a different perspective on things now... but weed didnt really cause this, more the social ideals of society.
  15. [quote name='"carlthecamel"']Weed helped me stop judging people.[/quote]
  16. yes and no

    everything can change who you are... drinking coffee every day will change who you are

    but ultimately it was your decision.. so in a way that's all still you.
  17. in some cases i think it does. but in a really positive way.
  18. yup in a good way!! then again im smoking 10 years so who knows how i woulda turned out without it:confused:. i think i turned out pretty good :smoke:
  19. Marijuana Open up my eyes to all the good things in the world. I'm more happy then I ever was and in less pain and my PTSD is under control!
  20. Some people say it kills your motivation but i feel it helps me a lot. Ill get baked and clean the whole damn house

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