Do you believe in the illuminati

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Shaggy2High, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. #21 ZarTheDragon, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2010
    I dont believe in that shit LOL....i wouldn't care if its real though.

    i dont got time to waste on them.

  2. Maybe because the US was founded by Freemasons, an occult order who have lost all the meaning to their Initiatic Rites but were originally based in mysticism and not necessarily evil satanism. "Hey guys, let's make a free country and then enslave it, over a few hundred years"

    I'm willing to bet a lot of the "higher ups" don't even know what half of their symbols represent anymore.

  3. Fuck yeah, I was totally saying that!

    Thanks for not condescending me!

    Oh yeah, putting their symbolism everywhere was totally an accident.

    They totally goofed, like a hundred thousand times. Their bad.
  4. Fema camps? Denver airport? It's not just in cartoons. Tupac, Reagan, Jackson all about to expose the secret but died. It's out of anyone's control were all on the lists its just a matter of time.
  5. imo the 'higher-ups' probably still follow ancient traditions. Im talking the people the 2 dudes on top represent

    The guys at the bottom? Those are your local freemason dens. The ones you see everywhere. Thats as high as most of them will go

  6. Denver airport is a scary ass fucking place man.

    Fucking dripping with masonic and illuminati symbols... you can't escape them there.
  7. Im sorry but I doubt tupac knew anything about this. Besides he could be easily denied just like Immortal Technique.

    It was nothing more than a driveby
  8. so... if i get a tat of the eye, do i get to join?

    is there an initiation ceremony?

    are cia agents gonna break into my house or something?
  9. You're going to have to learn to draw cartoons. Pyramids too, of course.
  10. #30 masquerader420, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2010
    Yes, there's an initiation ceremony, but unfortunately if you were going to be initiated you already would be.

    At about age 5. (EDIT: age 12, actually)

    Oh, and the initiation involves a human child sacrifice to Lucifer.

    In the Vatican.

    True story.


    Listen to all 9 parts, unless of course you have some sort of aversion to
    any type of truth that goes against your preconceived notions, of course.
  11. If you want to get into the freemasons just go to your local lodge. Dont expect to get into big positions of power there, though. You need to be in the Skulls & bones.
  12. You know if you re arrange and put together letters in the alphabet it spells out: the illumnati is real. Coincidence?
  13. yes and if you dont your blinded by ignorance
  14. For those who mock and ridicule this happens is very real. The presence of not only light, but also Masons and Bilderberg Group. However, although many people may deny their influence on the world has a very clear.
  15. I don't believe in the Illuminati. I can't accept the theories I keep hearing about them running the music industry or sacrificing infants to Satan or what have you.

    Do I believe that there is a large group that holds power in America, if not the world? Yes.

    It's the fucking industry fat cats who control what we buy, what we see on TV, what we read, and they are slowing turning us into dependent third-level consumers. And the government isn't doing any better when we keep voting in the same puppets who are being bought out by the lobbyists and the fat cats so that we'll continue to depend on them for guidance, for our safety. Fear and propaganda in America is no different from a guy with a bomb on his chest walking into a building and threatening to blow it up for Allah; terrorism is terrorism no matter how you slice it.

    For christsake, the Hearst company probably owns half the publications printed in America, Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, all the fucking old industry in New England, all of these people control the nation through fear, through ignorance, through dumbing down the masses with alcohol and reality television.

    The Illuminati; bedtime story to scare the tin-foil heads.

    A nation in fear being controlled by the upper echelon who know the people will believe anything they see or hear or read; the scary reality.
  16. I believe that there are groups of people out their with money and power (though both are pretty much the same thing these days) who would like to control the world much like we've been told the supposed illuminati would like to.
    "Those who control the media control the mind" (gold stars to those who know where that's from).

    However, there are too many factions and too many people who want that power for anyone to get a firm grip on the world like that. In the end the greedy will wipe out the greedy and their influence will fade, just as it has done throughout the centuries.

    However, there is so much crap that I read about on my usual trek through conspiracy websites. Especially people finding "hidden messages" in, say, an episode of the Simpsons that supposedly predicts something ridiculous like "a planned date for the take over of the New World Order".

    It's not that bad. Not yet. It's up to us as a people to realise when we're being controlled and decide when to do something about it. Every society that has existed has been controlled in some way but as long as their exists rational, intelligent and free-thinking minds then there's still hope.

  17. Ah yes, and all of us non-believers are just stupid sheeple who are uninformed and are exactly what they Illumanti want. However, I have to ask if youve always believed in this or you were converted by the video?

    Like Mental said, Half truths can sound pretty convincing if said in the right manner. How many times have you been lied to in real life and never noticed until later?

    I remember the first time I saw Zeitgeist I drank it down like triple thick milkshake from Mcdonalds and believed everything it said. I showed it to my friend and we had a very long discussion about it and we were able to poke so many holes in their story that it just seemed ludicrous.

    I think you should do some more research and make an informed opinion. Just because someone tells you something that goes against what you believe doesnt make it true. At all.

    Especialy if it just sounds ridiculous to begin with.
  18. Yes I believe in the illuminati, as well as the flying spaghetti monster.
    Completely coincidental.

  19. I'm assuming your first remark was in reference to the text I said that you bolded?

    Dude, I obviously wasn't speaking about you!

    If you're not someone who is unwilling to at least look at evidence before making your conclusion, then I wasn't talking about you.

    I'm certainly not saying that if you don't believe the Illuminati exists that you are a sheep, as long as you have at least done a little bit of research before coming to that conclusion.

    Two people can look at one piece of evidence and come to 2 entirely different conclusions.

    I meant no insult, bro!

  20. I didn't.

    There are so many manipulated half-truths in that movie that it is sickening.

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