Do YOU believe in God?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Del420, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. #821 Jaspurr, Apr 28, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
    o_O Ah, now I get your username.

    To me it looked like, Theree Ferist but in my mind it was coming across as The feral theist. :smoking:

  2. #822 Jaspurr, Apr 28, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
    ^ Nobody light a match!

  3. Why? So I can be confused even more? Tell me Isaiah, does god get tired or not?

  4. [​IMG]
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  5. [​IMG]
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. #828 thereeferist, May 2, 2021
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
    It is nice to meet you your highness. So it is true that God smokes cannabis? Hits the bong like some of us? Drives a tie dye micro bus and He subscribes to Rolling Stones?
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  7. [​IMG]
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  8. #831 thereeferist, May 3, 2021
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
    That is why you are of the atheistic faith because you can't prove there is no god and neither can I but I am willing to admit it is unknowable while you pretend to be omniscient.
  9. The six biological karyotype sexes that do not result in death to the foetus are:

    X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
    XX – Most common form of female
    XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
    XY – Most common form of male
    XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
    XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births

    When you consider that there are 7,000,000,000 alive on the planet, there are almost assuredly tens of millions of people who are not male or female.

    Many times, these people are unaware of their true sex. It’s interesting to note that everyone assumes that they, personally, are XY or XX.
    One study in Great Britain showed that 97 out of 100 people who were XYY had no idea. They thought they were a traditional male and had few signs otherwise.

    The 6 Most Common Biological Sexes in Humans

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. #833 Jaspurr, May 4, 2021
    Last edited: May 4, 2021

    See 'burden of proof'.
    For something to exist you have to first prove it exists, if you cannot, then it is pure myth or lies.

    The burden of proof lies on the person making the claim, it is not a burden on anyone else to disprove the claim; first you have to prove your claim. People are born atheist right up until someone tells them lies and they believe those lies.

    There is no point trying to prove god doesn't exist until somebody first proves a god exists. Then we can start devising experiments, etc. to disprove the supposed proof.

    Don't you find it ridiculous that you believe in something that has never been proven?

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. You should consider being an anchor on CNN your aversion to the truth is legendary!
    Definition of the word faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something. How do you twist reality around to make that not fit YOU?
  12. I don’t know about God but I believe in magic. Dumbledore is real.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  13. What about Snape? Is he real too? And what about Gandalf? Gandalf must be real one of the greatest songs of all time is about the wizard!
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  14. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something... with absolutely no evidence of that person or thing existing.

    That is my question, how can you have faith? You have no proof but choose to believe; it's rather negligent.

  15. I believe aliens could of been seen as god(s).

    The idea of God was around long before Jesus explained it to people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Not even the Christians deny the fact that the idea of an all powerful godman was around thousands of years before Jesus. The stuff about the aliens could be true and I have heard it used as an attempt to get by the unmoved mover argument but all it does is move it back a step and replace the god with another entity but you still have to answer the unmoved mover question all over again concerning the aliens.
  17. Oh duuude!

    There were no christians around thousands of years before Jesus, hahaha.

    They weren't even around at the time of Jesus, only jews. If you remember the myth, Jesus was a jew, not a christian, hahaha.

    Christianity didn't become a thing till decades after Jesus was supposed to have existed. The author of the first gospel set the scene enough decades back so nobody could say, 'I was alive at the time, this didn't happen'. The other gospels all plagiarise the first, this is why they all contradict each other, each author changed the narrative as they each wanted to start their own religion based on the story of the first gospel.

    Just like god, Jesus, etc. - show me proof.


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