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Do ya'll actually enjoy smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TrendSetta, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Now that might seem a stupid question on a pro weed smoking forum but do you like getting high or do u actually like inhaling and exhaling smoke and shit. i mean for me i actually like the smoking part of it i find it relaxing, what are your thoughts?? :hello:
  2. I love smoking, and being high :)
  3. I do it because it makes me look badass.

    And because in real life, I'm not badass at all.
  4. I couldn't agree more. I smoke all day long, be it weed, cigs, cigars, or even just a pipe. Feelsgoodman.
  5. I enjoy both. Especially a cigarette or two after I smoke some weed. It just feels good smoking.
  6. What kind of question is this? Of course I love to smoke..

    ... Either that or I just think it makes me super freaking cool.... ?
  7. I enjoy smoking weed...
    cigs not so much. Not sure why anyone enjoys smoking shit that gives you nothing but cancer xD
  8. Yea I love smoking. It's pretty Much the only reason I smoke cigarettes ever. I also love to smoke my friends hookah. Another thing that's fun about smoking is the smoke tricks... I just learned to blow decent o's and that's pretty damn fun haha
  9. Weed Smoke = Happy Lungs

    Any other smoke pretty much = Unhappy Lungs
  10. My thoughts exactly ^^
  11. I enjoy the process of kicking back and toking up while I'm watching a show or whatever. Puffing on something constantly can be quite pleasurable and add to the actual high of the herb.

    I'd rather have a 15 minute session whilest watching South Park or whatever than take a bong rip and then watch a show.
  12. I prefer to vape. :)
  13. Smoking is sweet. I think I enjoy the act of smoking hookah much more than the act of smoking weed, smoking is just fun in general...
  14. When I first started I didn't really enjoy the smoking aspect as much as the high aspect. Now I enjoy the smoking part just as much, I find it very relaxing and the only reason I ever found it distasteful was because I used to cough when I first started smoking.
  15. Do I ever! Especially from my new bong... sometimes I just get wayy to high because I enjoy smoking weed and continue to do so, not to get high but because I enjoy the whole smoking process.

    On days when I really crave to smoke and not get so much high, I'll load up the pipe :)

  16. Are you implying weed smoke is good for your lungs? It's not. It's still smoke, still not good for you.

    Personally I love the feeling of smoking when you get the perfect hit, but the feeling of the first high of the day creeping on is just the best.
  17. i love to inhale

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