Do we have free will

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Chenry, Aug 14, 2019.

  1. Just because there's two possible outcomes doesn't mean it's coin flip odds of either happening.
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  2. Ok, now Im really interested......
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  3. Imagine dice with where 5 sides have a 1 and 1 side has a 6

    Two options but it isnt 50/50


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  4. no.....their are six possible options.....but only 2 possible outcomes
  5. Or taking a boat across the Atlantic. You could make it to the Americas or you could sink. The odds of making it greatly depend on many factors including mainly the quality of boat you're taking.
  6. But it doesn't matter the specifics of what it would take to make an outcome happen....there are only two outcomes.....the specifics of how that outcome happened will solely depend on IF that was the outcome that were
  7. Really there's only one possible outcome of every action, we just don't know what that is until we find out by seeing it happen.
  8. Or rather....i should have doesnt matter the specifics of the outcome unless it were the outcome that was chosen.
  9. Sooooo...right or wrong on my last couple of posts?
  10. Every specific action will have one or more specific results. And that/those are the only possible results of that action. We just don't know what it is until we take the action.
  11. sooo.....if there are two options then its a 50/50 chance on what option is picked....right?
  12. It's 100/0. Every single time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. So this was already 100% that everything was going to exist....?? So it wouldn't be miraculous after all....
  14. I guess that's one way to look at it. But just because it was always going to happen doesn't make it any less of a miracle in my opinion. Everything was always going to happen. Does that mean there are no miracles?
  15. it depends on how you look at will SEEM a miracle to us...because we don't know its going to happen...but to the universe....i don't think it is....not from your point of's already known its going to happen...and it was the ONLY option from the get if its guaranteed...i don't consider it a miracle
  16. I mean everything that ever has happened or will ever happen was guaranteed to happen but from the point of view of someone living in the universe, observing it, nothing is guaranteed and every day is a miracle...
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  17. I've thought about this before. Do we have free will?
    I think I'm choosing to write this but given the amount of time a day I spend on my phone its most likely an addiction of sorts. A need to do something that's been brought on as an effect of my surroundings.
    The things we want to do are all a product of our environment.
    Example. Had I been brought up in a Muslim country I would almost definately be a Muslim.
    If I'd been brought up in South Africa I'd almost certainly be racist.
    I was brought up in a mostly non religious, very anti racist country though so I myself am non religious and very accepting of most type of people.
    I didnt choose to be this way. Its just how I was raised. So to say do I have my own free will to make my own decisions I think the correct answer is no.
    were forced to behave in certain ways because that's how we're told we must by the big shiny telly box and tabloid newspapers.
  18. We have the free will to think what we want to normally .
    unless you being tortured or brain washed we have free will to think the way we want .
    We have the free will to do what we wish too , be it right or wrong .
    Every action we do we are responsible for it ,that means every word that comes out of our mouths , every thought ,
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. We have free will. My will is free from your will and your mom's will. My will is mine, not yours.
  20. I think i should charge for mine

    • Funny Funny x 1

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