Do vaporizers smell a lot?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by LouDog8, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Really? Do you really want to go there?
  2. Lighten up, Francis

    Sent from my SM-G360V using Tapatalk
  3. You're talking to a senior vaporist and avid vaporizer beta tester here son. If I were you I'd tuck my tail and run.......
  4. Nah, vapor Nazis are slow runners.

    Sent from my SM-G360V using Tapatalk
  5. ESPECIALLY when they're as old as I am. [​IMG]

  6. My vape smells like I left one of those herbal bean bag hot pack things in the microwave to long. Kind of an herbal burnt popcorn smell
  7. I've smoked a lot of bongs in my time...and the one thing you learn when you go over to vaping completely?
    Those stealth measures you're using, the sploofs, commercial or otherwise...the incense, the Febreeze etc...they are not actually half as effective as you think they are...because you're smoking, you're used to the smell to a point and your own ability to identify it is diminished.

    I've went into friends houses since, and it's like a bloodhound. I can smell a bong when it's in a back room. I can smell the lingering smell of a joint behind whatever measures have been taken.

    I think if you're smoking? the only true measure you can take that'll actually pass a non-user/smoker test is having an activated carbon filter running right up next to you, then dispose of/wash everything immediately.
    Not many people that "just smoke" have those around though, do they?

    So what I'm saying is...not only do I understand your plight, but I also realise you might think the measures you're taking now are enough - they are probably not.

    Vaping, there are some smells;

    There's the smell of the cannabis itself, which is variable depending on what you've got. I mean all good and well if it's in a sealed jar (I'm hoping this is a measure you're taking), but when it's out and you're chopping/grinding it, there's not a lot that you can do to not have that smell (unless...carbon filter).

    There's the smell of the actual vapourisation process itself.
    Like the smell of the cannabis itself, it's just like that, heated up mixed with a bit of air.
    It's recognisable as cannabis, or vaped cannabis anyway, but I'd say smell-wise, if you're running it up against a joint or bong for immediate smell production while in use?
    It's 10% or less.
    ...and then it somewhat quickly dissipates. You won't smell it in the room the next day.

    There is also the smell of the vapouriser itself.
    Depending on the unit, you may have one that can end up kind of having material stick to it...some of them aren't easy to clean, some of them are almost made do you can't or it's very difficult.
    Now, that's one thing I like about the one I just got (the s&b mighty), because the weed can be kept in seperate pod type things, which stay seperate from the internal components - you just wash those and occasionally maintain the machine.
    Some other I said are harder to clean...sometimes little cooked bits can stay on metallic elements, and if you can't clean it right, while it won't stink like say, a dirty bong, not nearly as much...if someone were to pick it up and give it a sniff they'll probably be able to smell it.
    So, get a good one that's easy to clean (that and, the cheap ones are shitty, they just are...), keep it clean/maintainted as best you can.

    Air out your room - that's another thing a lot of people don't seem to think they need to do if they spray this, or that...airing out a room lets some smells escape it.

    All in all, the short answer is - With vaping, depending on the quality of the unit you're using, you'll remove 80-90% of your smell based problem.
  8. Euh...

    M'well, it helps a lot if the whole bowl ain't actually being deeply "activated" (e.g. read "cooked"...) in some thermostatic "Hot Dry Air Ovenizer" costing hundreds of dollars... There are other ways to toke, mine for example can pass the invasive nose test while we sit in front of each other inside a same room, imagine a balcony where allowed.


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