Do They Test You On Non-Reporting Probo?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by waterboy08, May 28, 2013.

  1. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Ive literlly looked everywhere and cannot find anyone who has been on non reportin probo. Will they test me?? I live in indiana and already passed both of my test. Now im on non reporting..someone please help.
  2. no report no test
    sent from my
  3. they will lie and trick you. dont give them a reason to test you
    always be ready for a test.make it differcult for them to cntact you.
     have a detox drink ready to drink so if u get called in, u might be abe to pass
  4. OR if you already on probation, you probably screwed around enough and should just take a break for a while. It will be that much better to smoke once your off of it.
  5. In FL, if you don't have to report they don't test you. Though if they have a reason to or just decide they want to, they can.

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