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Do theses look like 2gs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blazngkong, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. No scales on me when I met this dude. He had, but for some reason I didnt trust it.
    I bought both bags for 20 each. 1 is haze 1 is cheese.
    By eyeballing do the look like 2g in each?
    Was I ripped off for both baggies for 40euro I think thats about 47/48 dollars pictures dont do it justice its actually nice weed

    Attached Files:

  2. it looks about 2g to me I wouldn't complain, but I wouldn't say its the best weed.
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  3. 1.65 grams in each bag
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  4. 2 in each bag like,?
    Ah its grand smoke ,my cameras just pure shit
  5. I ask for genuine opinions.
    Not for some smartness off someone that prob has no intake
  6. I take issue with your assessment of I'm Ron Burgundy? That man has more intake than most.
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  7. I beg your pardon comrade. Ask around, I can properly identify any weight of cannabis from a pic alone within a tenth of a gram.
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  8. O rite. My apologies
  9. Im only new... so iv no idea whos who on this. I just hate smartness. Sorry ron
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  10. Stay classy and enjoy your herb. :smoking-banana:
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  11. Am I the only one who thinks that's just a bag of shake?
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  13. There ground up lad. Did that meself
  14. Will do,again apologies
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  15. It's even harder to tell when it's grounded...
  16. Looks good to me, man.

  17. Looks about right. I'd definitely respect Ron's opinion but if you're going to buy sacks like that without a scale then it's kinda on you if you've been skimped.

    I don't know the weed economy from where you are from but 1.6-2 grams of mids (that's being friendly) for 20 bucks is a tad bit on the high side. I won't go as far as saying you overpaid but I'd definitely be looking at alternate dealers.
  18. This is true. His eyes are scales

    -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
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  19. If anyone has scaly eyes it's you reptile people. And put some clothes on before you go out next. You give me the willies.
  20. Dood, like, learn your Alien-ology.. Yeah. Man. The Greys are like, at war with the Reptilian peeps. That's so totally like, why the Greys are like, abducting us and stuff. for like, science and stuff. And from what they tell me, they're like getting their asses kicked by the Reptiles and stuff. Facing extinction, like and stuff.

    I think I need to take a sober day... :/

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