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Do "special" brownies reek in the oven?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Mo King, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. I've been told a lot that weed brownies reek while being cooked in the oven. is this true?
    I knew I'd be able to depend on the Blades haha:wave:
  2. yeah, from what i have been told they stink up the house for a good 1-2 hours. just dont do it if you live with your parents, they will probably find out, unless they are cool with it. hope i helped.

  3. Thanks a lot! I've been looking forward to making some edibles for the first time and this does help.:wave:
  4. Firecrackers don't smell at all really if you wrap them in foil. I don't know about brownies though.

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