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Do some people simply have abnormal endocannibanoid systems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by immortal agony, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. I enjoy pot, but my reactions to it aren't exactly typical. I can't sleep while I'm stoned, for instance, and have a definite, long-lasting tendency to get nervous and sketchy when I'm high. Also, I never experience the munchies, at least no more than when I'm straight. Oh, and in my early days, I was (and always have been) REALLY sensitive to pot, 1 or 2 tokes will always get me high if it's good stuff, and I had full-blown psychedelic experiences when I was younger just off bong rips. Am I weird?
  2. [quote name='"immortal agony"']I enjoy pot, but my reactions to it aren't exactly typical. I can't sleep while I'm stoned, for instance, and have a definite, long-lasting tendency to get nervous and sketchy when I'm high. Also, I never experience the munchies, at least no more than when I'm straight. Oh, and in my early days, I was (and always have been) REALLY sensitive to pot, 1 or 2 tokes will always get me high if it's good stuff, and I had full-blown psychedelic experiences when I was younger just off bong rips. Am I weird?[/quote]

    Honestly none of that seems weird at all. I know quite a few people who would describe their high the exact way you described yours.

    I think everyone has different endocannabinoid systems, and so a high is going to be different for anyone. Honestly, your reactions sound as typical as anyone else's.

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