Do Plants Grow in the Dark?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by billgee, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Or does it only appear that way
    Its been said by some that plants grow in the dark.
    Though it seems to appear that way, I dont think it does.
    Photosynthesis is a light process and it may be possible that a constructive process goes on in the dark, growing in Vege and fattening up the flowers in Bud
    It is supposedly the reason we do 12/12.

    Does anybody really know?
  2. Well the reason you switch to 12/12 is because of the photoperiod of the plants which signifies the changing of seasons from longer to shorter days.

    As far as growth during night time Im not sure
  3. There are different stages in photosynthesis. One is harvesting the energy from light (light-dependent reactions) and one uses the stored energy to create sugars and oxygen (light-independent reactions). You can probably find a YouTube video on the process, but yes... as long as the plant has stored energy (ATP), it will constantly be growing. Day and night.

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