Do people have genuine love anymore?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by highfive24, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. What if a dam was built to capture rain water that wasn't utilized prior?
  2. Then that water would be diverted from somewhere else which could have alot of different effects depending on where it was.
  3. Theres no perfect answer only methods to minimize waste.
  4. Exactly, but even if you arn't "wasting" anything, there is only so much of a resource and it's likely that to get that resource or by using it your affecting something else which A affects B affects C affects D affects E affects F.........affects Z affects you.

    A quote that comes to mind is "a characteristic of a complex system is that a small change in one variable leads to a large overall change"
  5. Don't even try my rolling skills bro
  6. Sup..

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  7. i love bitches

    i love seeing other people happy
  8. I know people who are in jail because even when told not to do it they still grew and smoked cannabis...if that ain't love then no

  9. Dude, he's right. That joint is what would be rightfully referred to as an anchovie.
  10. You should go buy a new pack of papers and roll the biggest joint ever. Use the whole pack if that's what it takes to roll an ounce joint.
  11. Wits an anchovies?
  12. Lucky me. I got an ounce Sunday hehe

  13. Small oily fish that you usually buy canned.
  14. What the hell is that? I've rolled slices of pizza more even than that! I can see why stoker got mad now
  15. I think everybody just wants to "do what thy wilt".. this generation is extremely selfish
  16. Yes we do have love.

    I dunno where all this is coming ffrom but from my point of view the world is more loving and caring then it was in the past
  17. That's a ironic statement to make. Criticizing a freedom to be, with a freedom of speech. Projecting your views and labeling a whole generation .... Selfish.

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