Do Oil pens smell?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by ChokingToking, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. I just got a Oil pen with a cartridge from a local friend. Now, I've been hitting it everywhere, and as expected, no one's smelled anything, but now I'm thinking it's just because it's "Fruity Pebbles" flavored. Do regular oil pens smell?
  2. Vape pens do not have second hand smoke, so there should be little to no smell at all
  3. There's definitely a noticable smell. It's nothing like smoking, but if you hit your pen next to someone, especially indoors it definitely smells enough to notice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. If I can smell it, than a non smoker will be able to smell it even more so.
  5. Depends on the cartridge, some reak of cannabis, others smell more fruity. Best way to find out is take a hit and blow it out near a friend who smokes cannabis and knows the smell well and have them tell you

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