Do nutrient deficiencies show the same symptoms on all plants?

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by Savage4Liberty, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Hi, everybody! This is my desert Willow, Charlie. I planted it about 3 months ago in a 1 gallon pot full of pure Light Warrior Seed Starter. I've been watering with mostly plain tap water (pH ~8.5), and it looks like it's taking on a phosphorous deficiency. This questions been plaguing me: Would a nutrient deficiency show up with the same symptoms on a willow (or any other plant, for that matter) as on a marijuana plant? Thanks, hope you like it!

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  2. In short form, the answer to your question is no.

    Given the same soil, different plants will have different results. Some plants won't have what it needs in a particular type of soil, others will thrive.

    Id say the reason yur having problems is your water with tap water. I would try using collected rain water if your in an area that rains enough. Maybe try keeping the tap water in buckets outside over night for day or two, at least let the chlorine evaporate ( even if there is still plenty of other things left in it)
  3. You can get similar effects, but I would not expect a willow to display the same symptoms as a marijuana plant. Tomatoes often share a lot of the same symptoms as marijuana, but trees wouldn't. For example, evergreen trees usually just drop needles instead of showing an N deficiency by lightening in color. So in short, plants in the same families will often show many of the same symptoms, but not always.

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