do my plant go up in smoke?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SEBgrowing, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. what's up GanjaFreaks ;)

    Im a danish guy who wants to start growing some heavenly marijuana!
    But before i start doing every thing wrong i need to get some detail right.
    i have a growtent 1,2m * 1,2m * 2,0m and the light is 600hps with cooltube.

    about how many times a day should i feet the plant? can i go to work from 0600 to1800 nowing that my plants going to be ok?
    Fire risk with cooltube ?
    i will start with growing in soil , but if i want to keep my job maybe i sshould use hydrophonic/dripsystem ?

    hank you for writing :D
  2. lol, i dont think u need to quit ur job just to grow. Feed her whens she's thirsty, every couple of days or so. And the light should be fine, as long as its not chilling by something flamable..?

    you can work all day and know ur plant is chilling safley at home :) They dont have legs, they will not get up and run away ;)
  3. haha don't worry about having to quit your job to grow abit of weed!! Your plant will be just fine whilst you are at work, your plants only need feeding when your soil feels dry on the top; i'm using CANNA coco fibre for my medium and I find watering ever 3rd day works best for me.

    And as for hydroponics I am used to using an NFT auto feed system and I have never been happy with the end product. I have friends growing the same strain from the same mother and the exact same set-up but he was in pots and they doubled my yield each time.

    Hence why I have switched to soil.
  4. So your means that you gets bigger yield when growing
    In soil, then using hydro?:)

    Well its quite nice to get some answering guys. Thanks!! :)
  5. Well this is not a fact it is just my opinion; soil grows seem to suit me better, I hear you can get some pretty good yields with hydro though.

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