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do mosquitos get high of your blood

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bobba loo, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. so i was standing in line yesterday at the wiz concert, and i was getting attacked by a shitload of these and just wondered to myself
    "are these fuckers getting high off me?"
    damn mooches
  2. [ame=]YouTube - Spiders On Drugs[/ame]
    They don't.
  3. On a semi related note, one time when i was a bit younger, i was in my bathroom smoking out the window, and there was a mosquito there that was bothering me.
    So i managed to catch it in a plastic bag and then i blew my next hit into there and it was filled up with smoke.
    I left it in my garage for a couple hours still in the bag with the smoke.
    I then let it out and layed it down on the top of an old dresser in my garage.

    It just stared at the ceiling for 3 days then it died.

  4. lmfao is that true?

  5. So I'm all here believing this video until the crack spider and then I'm like, this doesn't seem to legit. Marijuana spider shoulda moved in with LSD spider, he seems like a nice dude.

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