Do males create a "funk"?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by KushKing00, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 KushKing00, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Today is day 7 on my 12/12 1 plant I suspect MAY be male as I see 1 or 2 growths inbeteen the nodes...their not hanging from a stem or clustered, just 1 or 2 hear or there. They almost look like a calyx without the hairs yet. There looks what appears to be hairs growing on the top but it still could be just new growth coming up.

    Only thing is, this things starting to make a funky smell like some good weed. Especially when I put my nose to the top.

    Do males create that dank weed smell??
  2. Post some pics of what your trying to describe if you can. All my plants started to smell like pot when they started flowering and got stronger as they got farther into flowering.
  3. All the cameras I have here suck and won't get close enough without blurring =/
  4. Yes, males smell and contain cannabinoids. Not the high quantities females have, but like the females, males can and usually will produce a strong odor, especially the older they get.

  5. If this were indeed a male, wouldn't there be big clusters of these things hanging from their own little branch? These are tight inbetween the nodes and only a few throughout the plant? Could these be calyxes that just haven't pushed the white hairs out yet?
  6. It's possible, but without photos I have no way of telling you for sure. They usually begin with one or two little sexing flowers or 'balls', located behind the stipule, very similar to calyxes except more rounded, and often they have a very teeny tiny bit of 'stem' beneath the ball. But they are unique strain-by-strain, and oddities also do occur. I've had some males that create balls with leaves attached.
  7. guess I'll wait a couple more days. no signs of sex on the other 2, could this be a good sign? If it is a male can I expect those little things on the node to start multiplying like crazy soon?
  8. Check out one of the dozens of sexing guides, and pre-flower photos available in grow the journals here... you should find either males, or females, that resemble what you have :) It's pretty easy to tell long before they multiply like crazy, and risk spoiling your female crop with pollen. Good luck!

  9. yea I've looked through a ton of pics here and on google and all I really see are pics of the first sign of hairs, not really what the calyx without hairs look like...the search goes on haha but I figure if I don't see hairs by Monday or Tuesday...TIMMMBBBEEERRRR lol

    I might let it go until I see sex from the other 2 or consider going to day 14 on "it"
  10. If you have a digital camera, look for the little flower button on your settings. It is called macro. It will let you take xtreme close ups. A picture is worth a thousand a pic and lets figure this out.

    Yes male plants smell quite strong.
  11. well I woke up this morning to find more of these little things and now they seem to be clustering...guess it gets the axe tomarrow morning...such a shame cuz this one was looking the best, tallest, bushiest. Ohwell, hopfully the other 2 show signs soon their on day 8 of 12/12...
  12. My first grow I had 12 plants and the 5 that grew the fastest, were the bushiest and looked the best ended up all being males.

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