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Do I still have working lungs after being a stoner? (Cillia)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Ryan Hughes, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. So I've been doing some research tonight. I learned about the impact of smoke on the cillia of the lungs, which is obviously not great.

    What I'm wondering is if there are ANY cillia in the lungs anymore or do they all die when youre a constant smoker? Can my lungs really that exposed to health hazards as a smoker? Its confusing because I dont understand how smoking would not kill all the cillia and yet I feel like I would be in pretty terrible shape if I had no cillia. I also know cillia regrow eventually, but how long is that?

    Any explanations? Sorry if this question is absurdly dumb lol

    Thankfully I don't live in Shanghai in fact I live in Calgary, which has some of the cleanest air in the world. I thought this might explain how I could get by with nonfunctioning cillia. Still I dont see how my body could handle that. There's plenty of undetectable stuff the lungs filter out, right?
  2. Nope, your lungs are now deceased. RIP
  3. source material of smoke from cannabis is still tetrahydra---meaning "4 square water"

    smoked weed "tickles" your lungs, if anything. nicotine kills cilia
  4. Is not the heat from the smoke that kills them? I should mention I've been using a pipe so its a lot hotter.
  5. Internal body temperature is like 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Adding a little nontoxic water vapor isn't going to harm your body that way. By including actual carcinogenic agents, then you harm your body. For example, if you burn and inhale bleached white paper, the chemical formula of bleach goes gaseous and into your bloodstream, causing cancer. Nicotine cuts deep on its own. Toke it up!
  6. Ryan, is it also absurd to think your head is filled with chocolate sprinkles? As your doctor mentioned before?
  7. Willy Nelson still gets around fine. Tommy Chong is still good. I can still breath and that's impressive. Smoking anything takes some toll on ur lungs but its been proven multiple times that smoke from cannabis is no real harm even a lifetime of balls to the wall smoking wouldn't put u on oxygen. Can't say that for any other options for smoking.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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