Do I need help? Weed is causing depression? (Serious Read)

Discussion in 'General' started by SDWatcher758, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. #1 SDWatcher758, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    A long time ago I was against weed, no reason for it or behind it.. I just saw my friend always smoking it and sitting on the couch doing nothing with his life. I wanted more out of my life and I wasn't going to resort to that lifestyle. I spent most of my social life indoors and wasn't a very social person. I was kind of an ASS too with the mentality of this is right and this is wrong and we shouldn't break the law too much.

    Eventually he got me to smoke after 8 months of trying and I'd say no, one day I decided to just go for it. Smoking opened up my eyes, it introduced me the pleasures of life. For once It showed me the lifestyle to enjoy life. I became less Anti-Social and more accepting of my peers. I made achievements in both my lifestyles and careers. My work has improved at the office, my social life increased because I was more out there, even my fitness goals were met.. It helped me stay on track because for once I had an outlet to melt the stress away. (I don't drink)

    Well it's been about almost (2 years) now and I've been noticing myself become deeply depressed for no reason. Being in a cloudy state in the mornings from the previous night and going to work has made me feel negative. I don't want to socialize with anyone. I've lost the ability to truly believe in myself. Certain things people say hurt my feelings and I've becoming anal again like I used to be even though I'm still smoking. It got to a point where I couldn't wait to get home and just smoke to a point of sleeping.

    The problem is I've hidden the fact I have a binge eating disorder. Although I keep myself looking in great shape.. 10% BF.. I got into bodybuilding when I lost 120lbs.. Being obese all my life I've depended on food. SO sometimes when I'm in this state I go buy a lot of food and smoke and eat non-stop till I pass out. I feel like shit, I don't want to socialize and all my mind keeps repeating to itself is that it's my fault.

    I have a week of being good and a week of crashing, I can't seem to keep myself up and steady and I end up crashing every week. I often times think of quitting but realize marijuana isn't whats causing it but my actions itself. Maybe I need to seek help which I will but I can't help and wonder why my life itself hasn't excelled anymore. It was moving and now it's on pause and I'm stuck in the middle.

    Is weed causing depression? I can already tell you when I get high I become anti-social, I don't want to go out.. I'm embarrassed quickly...

    I don't know what's wrong with me, why I'm sad and why I can't let things go.. I just want to be happy and no matter how much I try, I keep falling into the stages of depression. I don't want to take any medicine. I want to solve what it is that's bothering me and I can't seem to find the root of the problem no matter how hard I try.

    I sleep in my bed longer then I should have because I have these dreams that kind of help me get out of reality.. I live in NY or got a dream job, I travel the world. I know their fake but it feels good to have them sometimes.
  2. I have heard this happening to quite a few people. My best advice is to stop smoking weed and see if it helps.

    If not... Go see a therapist.
  3. I would highly advise that you sit down with a good psychologist and honestly discuss these issues.

    Perhaps weed has become a way of coping with things, and now your old coping mechanism isn't working out so well for a variety of reasons?
  4. smoke more weed

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