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Do i have glass in my weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Oleg92, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. I need help to id. I tasted and only half the time it produces a snapping sound and feel and when looked closely it relfects small amounts of what looks like some crystals but idk its feels very dry and rough.
    I dont know if it just because its brick mid and been transported for a while from deal to deal or it really is something fucked up with it. Please community help me out for my safety to identifity it there is anything wrong with those pics to yall or i am just being paranoid?


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  2. I don't know about glass, but I would not recommend smoking that.
  3. I did not see glass but dayum thats the brownest bud i have ever seen in my life. Almost looks like tobacco.
  4. I was going to say the same, no glass but wow it looks like granola bars.
  5. It is actually very light green in color for some reason white the flesh it turned more brownish ill post another picture tomorrow but what would u say those white heads or spots in the first two pictures? 
  6. Do you have macro function on your camera? It's hard to see anything. Maybe wipe the lens on your camera phone before pictures too, and brighter lighting.
  7. So this is covered with all innocent keif?

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  8. like is that me or am i just overseeing white dots randomly in the picture and does do reflect during flash is that a result of bad cure? it also crunches in the grinder is it because its too dry? i hope overall the mid doesnt look bad but i wonder if its just because "add-ed" on white patches?? or actuall keif and compressed dirt during mexicano?
  9. This thread takes me back. OP's pic looks like what i had to smoke for years when i was a teenager. I wish i could get an O of something like that just for noveltys sake and keep it forever. I quit buying shit like that when i found a cockroach, razor blade, and half a wig in the same QP log...
    I always worried about shit like that too OP, just smoke it. People who sell shit like that don't care enough to make it look any better. Thats why it looks the way it looks now, if they cared about appearance it would look better.
  10. This.
    Bro, this is defiantly not 'brick mid'. 'brick mid' is pretty much brick weed that is green and has visible trichomes (but still seedy). What you have is brick weed yes, but it is not mid. It is completely brown, I hope you didn't pay a lot for it. It looks like straight up shitty weed man
    If the bud scratches a CD when you rub it against it then it has glass in it by the way
  11. yup shake the bud over a CD and if it scratches, its laced with glass
  12. glass easily visible to the left on the bud in that last photo you added
  13. Just refer to the last picture because it's actually how it would look in the light. It's greenish. But u said u see glass on the left side? Can u show me
  14. Those white spots could be mold, not glass as it would be pointy not round.
  15. My weed makes snapping noises when I burn it if it's fluffy.
  16. #16 Storm Crow, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    Canadian, you  may be smoking cannabis infested with spider mites. :eek:  They pop when smoked, but do little or nothing to the flavor or potency. :cool:
    Oleg, try the CD trick!
  17. I tried the cd test and found it to be very uneffiective. Small particules of bud can scratch a cd as well. almost every time i lick off the shake there was a snapping sound when bit into it but again not sure if its just due to very dry and bricked bud
  18. So I tried to bite on the keif that came out of the grinder and almost everytime there's crunchy glass/sand type of sound is that normal or q dead giveaway?
  19. I see a huge chunk of glass on the last pic you posted. I mean, with a screen or in a bong I couldn't imagine it hurting you, but I wouldn't use that for a joint/blunt/pipe where there's a chance ash (and glass) could shoot into your throat
  20. welp ive smoked spider mites recently. thanks for ruining my dinner granny. haha 

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