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do i fulfill my munchies or smoke another bowl

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by pure1, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. or eat, then smoke a bowl

  2. eat then smoke
    i always find that eating kills my high
  3. i did just that, packing a bowl :)

  4. both?
  5. Eat then smoke a bowl. I prefer smoking on a full stomach, I feel the high is better
  6. yeah eat then smoke once you eat right after toking you wont be as high its a waste. but if you eat then toke you'll still be as high an you wont have to worry about te munchies :3 you'll find it much more fufulling eating then smoking
  7. Youre Not Getting high enough if Eating kills your high
  8. Hahaha dude
  9. Definitely get your munch on first man. That bowl's not going anywhere. You still get to eat and you get to be high too. :hello:

  10. yeah i completely agree with what your saying they either have high tolerances or shit weed or both. when i get high where i know im at my peak and stoned as fuck i can eat 3 pizzas and that wont affect my high in any way.
  11. Smoke, eat, smoke, eat, smoke, eat smoke, sleep. Then do it again the next day. It's the never ending cycle.

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