Do I Carry At Least Some Of The Guilt?

Discussion in 'General' started by andy85258, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. #1 andy85258, Aug 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2014
    For what one of my former friends has become? It started when i introduced him to weed when we were both in highschool. After asking him if he wanted a puff of the herb for the first time one night he said yes and hit it. We continued being friends for a couple more years, just chilling and smoking, sometimes doing other activities. Until one day i just never hear from him again for a few weeks, turns out he got on probation for stealing 70$ out of a cash register in front of a camera.
    After that whole incident i started to barley ever hear from this dude anymore and eventually he just stops talking to me all together. So long story short whenever i do start hearing about this dude again he's getting into other drugs, violating his probation by staying out and going to parties, dealing, and pretty much going full retard with everything. And now i just heard he had to take summer school for his senior year in order to graduate because he wrote fuck multiple times in his paper. He also randomly called one of my other friends at 4 in the morning for god knows what reason. but he was high as fuck on something.
    Am i really at fault here? it's not like i shoved the pipe in his mouth and forced him to hit it, all i did was ask. And im also starting to think this dude is kinda fucked in the head to begin with cause he likes to shoot birds in his backyard for fun with a pellet gun.  
    Idk, i keep telling myself that i should not hold myself accountable for other peoples actions and it's not my fault that he chose to go full retard. But i cant help but think that introducing him to weed set off some chain of events in his life that have lead him to where he is now.  

  2. People make their own choices and follow their own paths, weed isnt a gateway so youre not the reason he is taking other things.
    I guess i was right to make that assumption, either way this dudes no bueno now.
  4. Life's an endless stream of floating variables, circumstantial anomalies, and stimuli. I wouldn't go out of my way to pretend that the man who teaches another man to shoot, is responsible for every death under that individual's belt in the subsequent future. You give people the tools and resources that you can, and what they do with them from there is totally up to them. Such is the ambiguous nature of life, and the interpretation of the same. If it wasn't you, it probably would have been someone else who introduced him to it, or for all you know, it could have been someone who introduced him to much more volatile drugs. It's pointless to delve into hypothetical situations, especially when the affliction is all the same. Some people just have very addictive personalities. Once they get a high going, they are just determined to chase a more and more expansive high.
  5. Happened to a friend of mine started on weed moved on to other things and he seems in a bad place.

    It just shows the two paths you can follow either be responsible or you can abuse it, just be glad your willpower is strong and keep on that right track use your friend as an example.

    You can also extend an arm to him and help him out be cautious though if you decide to take that path

    ¡satan has tricked the world into thinking he does not exist!
  6. #7 Lenny., Aug 17, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
    Someone on here said something along these lines recently. Weed doesn't make you stupid, it just shows stupid people how stupid they are.
    Your friend sounds like he was stupid before weed.
  7. no
  8. Dude, you're surely not guilty at all. Weed can never be a trigger for such changes. Every man has his own mind to make decisions. So it's he decided to be a fuck like that, not you. I had a stoner friend which I was treating as one of the best people in my whole life, but with time he became a crazy paranoid who wasn't even albe to talk normally. He was trying to close me in his flat for no real reason, take all my money and shit... He even tried to make me kinda his "servant". As I realised that it's gone way too far, I broke almost all connections with him, so I suggest you to do the same. Never regret this. Once you'll forget him, you'll feel a lot better.
    Im not going to reach out. this dude decided he wanted nothing to do with me and the more updates i hear about him the less regret i feel about not being associated with this dumbass anymore. 
  10. My boss has a quote by her desk that would applie here perfectly. I'm very sorry but i cant remember it exactly right now but I will know it by the end of tonight and I will follow this topic and report back in about 3 to 4 hours the exact quote.
    and trust me more people feel this kind of guilt than you think even though they know that they shouldn't.
  11. idk if anyone even saw my last post but I got quote.
    "Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally... Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves." - Don Miguel Ruiz
    its a little different then I remembered but I still do feel it applies to this pretty well.
  12. I've had a few friends go down fucked up paths after I introduced them to weed or whatever. I carry guilt to some extent, but when I think about it, they made the choice. If their whole life falls to shit it was likely to happen at some point, either on their own or through introductions from others.

    My own life has been a series of fuck ups only punctuated by brief periods of normalcy. I could blame many people or things but the truth is I made all of my choices, and only I'm to blame. If your friend isn't some immature pussy he should see this himself.

    The way I look at it, from either end of the spectrum, you are in no way to blame. Try and be easy on yourself man.

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