Do Guys Really Care About The Whole Virginity Deal?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by wait what is this for?, May 20, 2014.

  1. #1 wait what is this for?, May 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2014
    I understand people wanting to know how many people their new partner has been with, but is it really a big deal for guys to take a girl's virginity? And why would it be? My first time it was like okay let's do this and we did and it was like cool.
    guys weigh in on this mmkay
    ive heard guys who care talk about it being special and those who dont saying meh, its more like a thing to get past

  2. It's different from person to person. None of my friends cared about it and started fucking chicks at like 16. I feel it's something special so I'm saving my first time for marriage.

    --Ride the tiger, you can see his stripes but you know he's clean!--
  3. I dont like taking girls virginity. Too much attachment.
  4. Some guys care. Some care a lot n fact.

    So care so little, theyd stick their dick n the ground n fuck the world if it gave em pleasure...

    Mmmmkay :p
  5. ^bahahaha
    Okay and girls should answer too! do you think its a big deal?? I thought I would think it was, and then all the sudden it wasn't.
  6. I think it's a big deal. It's like an accomplishment to be a virgin. To me , lol.

    We'll not really.

    I don't know.

    I'm not good at answering questions.
  7. Well when I was a virgin yes, but after I lost it, I play it like idgaf  :cool:
  8. Factor here is: emotional attachment

    Some people view their virginity as a sacred veil that gives them purity, and protection from contamination. Once you omitted the emotions, they're just seen as a pair of genitals used for reproduction.
  9. plot twist: one of the people is a virgin but the other doesnt know- the virgin doesnt care but the other might. then its just like well shit this is fubar
  10. No.
    But depends who you've fucked n why. Sexual history reflects the person you were or still are and even might be.
  11. In today's society, it's definitely an accomplishment but in today's, it's a double standard. They expect men to be whores and girls to be the opposite.
  12. Then those people probably aint meant for each other lol
  13. the emotional thing is real, and theres all the chemical exchange and whatnot.
    idk exactly, but you can really get attatched to someone after sex and its not just emotions
  14. Well, not exactly. The act of sex is based on the function of the hypothalamus, the attachment part is based on the amygdala (area that deals with emotions such as fear, sadness, happiness, etc). If the person doesn't have an active amygdala -- then they're less prone to getting attached.
  15. That makes much more sense than my "exchange and whatnot". Thank you for your knowledge bomb :) 
  16. Don't like virgins and stay away at all costs. My friend that's a girl tried getting with me and I straight up Chief Keef Nah'd her because I didn't want her getting attached.
  17. lol!
    What if the girl is super chill? Or would you be worried about attachment no matter what?
  18. nah i dont care about that stuff. everyones got a past.
  19. In my case, (as a girl) I didn't get attached really. I texted him afterwards because I wanted more, but I never wanted to date or anything like that. Is that still considered attached because I wanted to be friends with benefits or no? 
    I guess it's different nowadays for me because I'll hook up with someone and never talk to them again so maybe the virgin attachment thing is real...
  20. Imho I think it's only attached if they want to be in a serious relationship

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