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Do girls get horny when their high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hashbrick, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. So me and this girl I know are going to smoke up soon. Were pretty good friends and this is the first time were going to toke together. But I've heard that girls get really horny when their high. Is this true? I don't want things to get weird and ruin our friendship cause we end up doing it.
  2. Haha. Quit bein a punk and fuck the hell out of her.

    She knows gettin banged comes with the territory.

  3. truer words have never been spoke
  4. Dude, if you pass up this oportunity you're doomed to be the "friend" for the rest of your life. Do you really want that?
  5. lol fuck yeah! :smoking:
  6. She's to good of a friend for me to want to bang her. I just want to know if girls tend to get horny when their high or do I not have to worry.
  7. whoa. haha. u just say you dont want ur friendship to get broken if you fuck .
  8. Still my question hasn't been answered. Do I even need to worry about this or is it a lie that girls turn into horny sex machines when they smoke?
  9. If you guys aren't fucking now weed probably won't turn her on to you.
  10. lol just bang her
  11. #11 KingJesus, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2009
    From my experience, no, it does not. It's not going to be like if she is drunk and ready to fuck.

    BUT!!! If the opportunity does come along, fuck that bitch rotten good sir.

  12. yes they do. take it from a girl, i personally get really horny when i am baked and the same goes for alot of girls that i know/smoke with. . Dude if shes DTF then go for it your not goign to ruin the friendship you might make it better. Theres only a few things better than than a good fuck while high, so listen to nike and just do it
  13. fuck her then cum.
    thats all u need to know
  14. fuck ya!
  15. dude, unless she's a walking STD factory i don't see whats wrong with a little friendly stoned fucking.

  16. weed isnt alcohol, girls dont get slutty and dumb really when high from my experience, the effect is relaxed for some, easier to get along with, less complaining, and then there are the girls that get hyper and geek out when high, the ones i dont smoke with :p
  17. hahaha:hello: finally a girl who tells it like is. she's right yenno
  18. We can be some sick sunsabitches. There are some great quotes coming out of this thread.

  19. there is a HUGE difference between slutty and horny
  20. Now you're just splittin' hairs...

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