do fish tanks work?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by chief42007, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. this questions applies to seeds just placed in the ground after germination. i thought it would be ideal(if it worked) because i could keep them all contained in one are with a place to rest the fluorescents. i know that ventilation would be an issue too but i plan to set up fans.
    any suggetsions or ideas is appreciated
    thanks in advance!
  2. I've never had any luck with fish tanks, die to vent... but i did discover a cooling fan for fish tanks, that hooks to the end of the tanks on the top of the glass and blows air across the water, (cooling it down)
    That would be perfect for a tank set-up.:wave:
  3. any idea how much that would cost?
  4. A fish tank with fluoros suspended across the top could be a good set-up for seedlings or for incubating clones. Once your plants get bigger, though, you probably will want something with more height and easier ability to ventilate.
  5. You could probably make something just as good, like a computer fan somehow mounted to the top of the glass.
    The professional one is a series of small fans in a line running the width of the tank, and i think is a bit expensive around 100 bucks. I saw them on ebay.
  6. yeah i was thinkin about puttin the plants into a tank if i could ventilate it properly. also what light cycles should the plants be on when they first are put into soil
  7. if they havent popped out of the dirt yet, you want to keep the water moist with no light, or you can keep it on if it dosent matter, but it would dry out your soil quicker which isnt what you want, once they pop out you can either put them on 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark (18/6) or 24 full hours of light (24/0) i do the 24 hours a day, no reason why, other schedual might be better so another answer could help me start my new grow, which is almost done germing :D

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