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Do Federal Gov employees/tokers exist?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by nilram04, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Can a federal government employee ever toke or are they constantly drug tested and just wind up living their lives like cogs of the machine?

    I'm talking about office workers.
  2. Well I'm not sure about the specific policies (I'm sure they vary by department), but I know even my friend goin to a summer thing at the naval academy is gettin tested. The fact that it doesn't even seem relevant to what hes doin makes me pretty sure places like the DEA would test hard. That said, I gotta imagine the higher ups do it and get themselves out of it... I know I would :smoke:

  3. i rofl'd at your location.

    it probably depends on what you are. i mean if youre a mailroom clerk probably not. if you're a high clearance person, probably.

  4. lol yeah, call me paranoid but I'd rather be safe thn sorry on this shit. Also ur right on tht, I feel like the guys in the field would have it the worst; too high up to not matter, not high enough to influence anything. Hence, theyre not high.
  5. I know US forestry employee's that smoke and also Us fish and game. All the Natl park SVC guys I deal with seam liek TOTAL stoners, but they are on the low about it I think, cause I have never talked to any of em about it.
  6. Two of my brothers, one who works for the state department in D.C. as a historian, and the other who works at the Federal Reserve bank of Philadelphia in fraud management, are both daily smokers of the ganj.

    They are both notified with their next drug test will be, which I believe is a loophole in the system. They must give their employees tests by law, but they notify them before hand so they don't get fired, because people are beginning to become smart about the "hazards of marijuana." They know it's ridiculous that people can't freely smoke pot.
  7. Hey Paper,

    You just hit on it, bro. Thanks for the thoughts.
  8. i know for the coasties that do on the water smuggling takedowns, don't get drug tested for 30 days after, because they could inhale some of the drugs because of how many kilos of weight is on board, usually crawling in small areas so its even more concentrated... so i figure DEA type people might only get drug tested might exist.. i know a government auditor that blazes...
  9. I'm going to substitute synth urine with one of the systems like the Whizinator. I just don't know enough about the way the test is conducted. Will they just give me a cup an direct me to the mens room or are they gonna send me to a closet with a goon to stare at my penis?

    I'm sure that when the courts are involved, substitution becomes more difficult, but I'm applying for an office job with the fed. I believe that I can keep powered urine for a year in the case of random testing. Although I hope that there are many loopholes once I'm in.

    Detox seems less certain for me. I'm a big ole guy. Well, not that big 200 lbs and 38 years old and I smoke everyday. I'm a failed test ready to happen!

    Niacin seems like the only legit avanue to pursue and I'm concerned because I did some super heavy drinking that ended about two years ago. I did'nt quit drinking to have my liver done in with niacin! Ha.

    I am going to abstain, however. Weed is not addictive and I'm going to put it down (for a while) to prove it... mainly to myself.

    As far as weed being a gateway drug, give me cannabis or give me sobriety.
  10. I bet 90% of the people in the DEA smoke....they keep that weed from raids and smoke up

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