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Do Fats/Oils only absorb THC, or all of the cannabinoids as well?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ElScorcho420, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. THC is absorbed by the fat to get you high, but what about the other cannabinoids like CBD? There's hundreds of compounds in marijuana, but how many of them bind with the fats?
  2. I was also wondering this the past couple weeks. THC is not the only chemical compound that gets you on your ass. So if people know, TELL US.
  3. I cannot be 100% sure on this, but I believe that Cannaboids are also absorbed in the oils as well. It would also make sense, as your bodily oils can inherit cannaboids. Plus, from an experience standpoint, i find that strong edibles give me a trippy strong high, something I don't think THC alone could do.
  4. From first hand experience making cannamilk/bhang (which relies on fat content to be psychoactive) knocked me on my ass from the CBD effects. So I'd say yes.
  5. no its does not extract the cannabinoids...THC is extracted through the fats or oils....that is also why if you were to evaporate the oil/fat you would end up with pure THC would have to find out what the cannabinoids are soluble in and mix that with the fat/oil to get them into your edibles as well
  6. A quick bit of research shows that cannabidiol (and I'd assume some of the other cannabinoids) are soluble in organic solvents, so yes, and trust me, I'm telling you from personal experience there was more then just the THC in me when I've experienced edibles.
  7. Me + Basic Chemistry + Wikipedia =
    Phytocannabinoids, also called natural cannabinoids, herbal cannabinoids, and classical cannabinoids, are only known to occur naturally in significant quantity in the cannabis plant, and are concentrated in a viscous resin that is produced in glandular structures known as trichomes.

    Phytocannabinoids are nearly insoluble in water but are soluble in lipids, alcohols, and other non-polar organic solvents.

    Tada! Cannabinoids are non-polar molecules and thus nummy fats and liquours dissolve em right up

  8. qft^:hello:

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