Do Driving Schools...

Discussion in 'General' started by elceesar, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Do they make you take drug tests when you're going for driving school? I was couldve started this week, but i couldnt really as it didnt fit into my schedual. So im guessing maybe it may start again sometime next week, or i can go and ask, but i dont really have much time this week.

    Does anybody know if I have to do a drug test for driving school?

    Thanks :D
  2. They did not make me take a drug test when I was 16
  3. Are you talking about being an instructor or are you just too young to be on this site?
  4. I had to go to a driving school when I was 18. Just never learned to drive before that. And they never drug tested me either, to answer the question.
  5. Well no, i just moved to canada from argentina not too long ago, adn i never had the option for driving school back there, so i want to go to it :) I turned 18 in january.
  6. no man do you know how much time and money that would waste testing grandmas and little girls for no reason, but traffic court is a different story
  7. They're onto you elceesar, act cool.
  8. HIGH All, *LOL* ^^^ elceesar they don't Drug Test you in Canada.

    Welcome to The City By The Way
  9. No drug tests. They arrested me for possession and "under the influence of a CDC (specifically marijuana)" and they didnt even piss test me THEN.
  10. You won't be drug tested and to person questioning his age, not everyone gets their license exactly at 16 you can be any age and be in driving school.
  11. I never had to take a drug test when I was going through driving school.
    Hell I even took my driving final high and passed with an 87 :D

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