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Do dealers include the weight of the bag?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by L U A, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I picked up an eighth the other day and it was around 4g including the bag, but today I picked up a quarter and it was exactly 7g including the bag.

    What is the proper etiquette for that? I hope I didn't get ripped off today, then again, it was only $30 for a quarter. I'm not sure if that's cheap or not. The eighth was dank, the quarter was mids.
  2. mine weighs it before he puts it in the bag. lol at least that what he does every time I see him do it. at least 1/2 the time
  3. The bud itself should be 7.0g. With the bag, it's gonna weigh more. You got skimped a lil dude, not a big deal. Just say something to ur guy next time.
  4. It obviously varies, if your dealer isn't shitty he wouldn't include the bag because the standard sandwhich bag weighs 1 gram.
  5. No, usually it's without the bag

    And if it's only tenths of a gram off, keep your mouth shut, BUT if it's if 2 grams off, maybe you should say something...
  6. My dealer always does it without the bag. It paying for weed not the bag. I do warn thou dealing isn't allowed to be discussed on gc
  7. I just weighed out one bag and got 2.5g's just a ziplock, you need to go find a new dealer.
  8. ahahhahahaaha no dude your getting shorted alot bags wheigh like 1.7 or 2.5 i cant remeber which one but yea
  9. Well both bags didn't have the zipper, so that should make it weigh a little less. I think that's just the way he does it cause he even told me to weigh it if I wanted. Is $30 for a quarter of mids a good deal even if he included the weight of the bag?
  10. Yeah you don't spend money on plastic, you're buying weed so you should get what you pay for. That being said, you only paid $30, which would only get me 1.5 grams where I live so I consider that a great price.
  11. if the bag doesnt have a zipper then thats not that bad i guess

  12. He's not talking about dealing he's talking about picking up. And no you don't weigh the bag too. Shoulda been 7 grams of mids. If people weighed with bags they'd use bags made of lead to rip you off
  13. #13 bentripin, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Every place I have lived or purchased herb, no that is not a good deal... $25 w/out the bag included would be a standard sell for non-sensi mids... $120 a zip for the better of mids should be going price, having the weight of the bag included at that price is a ripoff
  14. no most dealers dont weigh it but they dont put a sticker on it that tells u how much grams it is.

    sounds like u didnt get ripped of. im not gonna get pissed over 0.1 gram missing. sometimes ill get less then what i pay for, but then the next time i go, i get way more. but ya give you dealer a few chances if the bud is good and your not getting skimped to badly. sometimes they dont give as much unless your there friend.
  15. No, you weigh it without the bag. if you ask for a quarter, you should get a quarter of weed. Not 5 grams of bud and 2 grams of plastic haha.
  16. We always weigh it outside of the bag.

    I think that is the most accurate.

    If you can, ask your dealer to weigh it in front of you.
  17. Not unless they expect you to smoke the bag too. :smoke:
  18. When you weigh it in the bag, it should weigh MORE than the amount you want. example: You pickup an 8th.(3.5gs)... Throw it on the scale with the bag, and it should weight 4g or more.
  19. A little off track but if you're only getting 1g around here they like to only give a .8 or .9 :(
  20. QFT, i've said this, the plain generic sandwhich bags with no extra flaps or zippers weigh a gram, people are throwing out random decimals and shit and laughing at OP.

    OP you should call him up for a quarter again, and ask him to weigh it, he'll do it with the bag, tell him however you feel about being ripped off and that you know these bags are 1g, then get your shit back.

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