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Do chemicals in marijuana release instantly?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MLark, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. If under the temperature for part of a second, would a chemical be completely released from the bud or does it slowly release?

    E.G. Say theres a CBD that burns at 380, its vaporizing at that temperature for a moment then drops under. Would ALL of that CBD in the bud be released in that instant or only a percentage of it.

  2. No, not in a vape. Its like a pot of water, it doesn't all boil and evaporate instantly. Combustion is another story.
  3. #3 TexRx, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    It doesn't all vaporize instantly. (THC and other cannabinoids)
    It happens over 2-4 hits - per medium sized bowl
    ......And happens a little faster at higher temps / a little slower at lower temps

    Thanks for asking


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