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Dmt And Extra Terrestrial Communication

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by SIR_JANE, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. if that gets your noodle goin, you oughta read DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
  2. I clicked the link but I didnt see the specific article that you are talking about. I could see why the dmt experience would be a good analog for et communication. Most people that take dmt say they encountered some sort of other wordly being. There are not very many places you can do something like this, probably just drugs and lucid dreaming. If you intend on communicating with et then you have got to practice somewhere.

  3. didnt find anything on-topic in that link. must have changed articles. dontchya just hate it when a webministration does that.

    saw a video today on a friend's blog with some peruvian guy putting a whole load of concepts in a fresh perspective:
    which gave me a new term to refine my consciousness with which i fumble through realities with... "Ultra Terrestrial". mmm.

    there have been many times with magic mushrooms (Psilocybin) that i've had such experiences. the first time that it happened when i actually realised it/what was happening (a communication of sorts), it really threw me, went into a bit of a panicked hyperstate of questioning/interogation/curiosity with such intensity of barrage that no answer could get through. all previous times when i didnt even question it, it was like the "naivety" and freedom of a "child's"* mind, which i regained for later trips. the time when i was in questioning mode though, it was kinda like "are you governmental? are you extra terrestrial? are you imaginary?... etc etc" except far less well formed, less clarity of definition to my thoughts.

    quite certain am i now that for MOST times, it's been a case of Ultra Terrestrials. though there has been a somewhat wide variety of "contacts" that they are clearly not all of the same ilk.

    * read as unfettered by years of conditioning into the mundane.
  4. i'm with dig...guess i got directed to the wrong direction. the article that came up was about destroying high school. nonetheless i would like to discuss............

    i love DMT. dimethyltryptamine is a very potent hallucinogen and is quite interesting. the human body actually creates DMT naturally during processes i dont understand. i've done deamsters probably 20-25 times. And i'd say atleast 20 of those were at festivals in a very populated, free and chill atmosphere. The rest were with a small amount of friends in a well know (to me) place. Including once alone. All the times i tripped at the festies i got the usual 'being shot out of canon' feeling in the begining accompanied by some intense visual/audio hallucinations. one i remember wuite well is when myself, a girl i had met there, 2 friends who came with me and their grils were all in my tent. we were passing around the makeshift aluminum freebaser and i had an onverwhelming feeling of paranoia when the circle of friends around me became a cirlce of crazy lookin fucks. they were just sillouettes with bright green eyes. i had an undescribable body high that made me feel like a wax figure. like, i could FEEL myself from the inside out. hard to describe. it felt like i was someone these beings secretly had it out for. it seemed like me and these beings were all putting up facades of friendship, acting like everything was was a normal weed/dmt smoking session inside a tent at a festival. but i knew the beings had all conspired together behind my back to do somehing to me. they knew i knew but didn't act like it. i knew they knew i knew but didt act like it. i got scared and then went 100% into my sleeping bag, zippering in up all the way and overing my head. in there was a pretty phat laser light show. i feel asleep eventually. i don't think theres a time i didn't fall asleep after a DMT trip.

    it was pretty nuts.

    i mentioned the different places because experiences when you are either alone, or with a small amount of people ina quiet, comfortable place are usually quite different than those in a chaotic places.

    when i was alone at my house i could feel my heart beat so clearly that it freaked me out. it would beat fuckin crazy fast and then not at all. my cats pull and scratch at my front/back doors to make noise so they'll get let inside. while i'm super concentrating on my heartbeat i heard the back door bang. then in banged in unison with my heart. this is when started thinking some one/thing was controlling my heart and could kill me at any time. i flew over to the door and opend it. my black cat and my calico cat ran inside....then a cat ran inside everytime my heart beat. i eventually made my way to the couch and layed face first into it until i fell asleep.

    i'm not sure what th OP was getting at cuz i don't think the link was right. but yea....

  5. i forgot.... i actually bought this hoodie from a festival that i was smokin the deamsters at
    ... haggled it down to $10 and a nug of white rhino.

    (its the dimethyltryptamine molecule)
  6. what/where are these "festivals"?

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