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DLMs pickups (Repping Jersey) Updated ~!CRAZY BLUE DREAM!~

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dlm, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 dlm, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2010
    Just brought my new camera so I thought I would share some of the local buds in NJ I grab.

    Purple Diesel:


    Panama Red:

    Blueberry Haze:

    More to come...
  2. That blueberry looks yummy
  3. The taste of it is amazing, get a fresh scent of blueberry every time I open the bag!
  4. i wanna dip my balls in that blueberry
  5. reppin jersey good looks my friend
  6. Man, all of those looks so amazing.

    Purple Diesel looks crucial.
  7. hahahaha damnn that's embarrassing
  8. AAYYY LUCY..... JoO gots sum splainin to do!
  9. Hahaha just noticed I uploaded the wrong picture of the blueberry, changed!
    Cotton candy kush pictures will be up in a few hours.
  10. damn im in bergen county and i can never get stuff like that
  11. shit bro those are some good lookin trees ima have to take a trip to bergen county
  12. very nice. i'm really liking the panama red - looks super dank. they all do!:smoking:
  13. We got ourselves a Situation.

  14. yo come down closer to keansburg and hazlet i havent gotten any mids this ppast year all dankedy dank
  15. I spy with my eye a seed in your blueberry haze, haha. Still looks very nice though.
  16. I noticed the same thing when I took the picture myself. :D
  17. Just picked up an oz of cotton candy kush, very sticky and smells but I just realised my cameras at my buddys so pictures will be up in the morning!
  18. I live In Jersey,

    If I could ever find something as dank as that I would shit a brick
    Can only find mids lol :(

  19. shit theres always more than just mids everywhere ive been in jersey where you at?

  20. same here. im in north jersey

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