Dizzy Vision day after smoking weed

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by mattstickney12, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. The past 3 or 4 times i've smoked weed, the day after my vision would be a little different. I just mean my vision is a little bit delayed/ and im always a little dizzy, and my vision seems to be a little sharper or something. I usually have to smoke weed again for these effects to go away, but then again sometimes it just comes back. I once tried to just wait it off and it didn't exactly go away until i tried smoking weed again, i had to wait until my high wore off that time, but usually i go to bed a little high. (I have no tolerance) Anyone ever had these effects or heard of anyone with them? How can i smoke weed and not get this? How can i get rid of it?

  2. no..it sounds like you're gonna die now...Marijuana does that according to some reefer madness trolls...it causes physical dependency and kills the user unless they get a fix...
  3. Fuck off man (;
  4. I've never even heard of this before

    Perhaps you have an issue with your lungs

  5. i was gonna say "inb4 cball", seems like i'm late though
  6. Someone has a crush..
  7. You're gonna die, smoked too many marijuanas
  8. he's gonna be ok, one time i injected two whole marijuanas and i survived.

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