I haven't been on here for a while and I was thinking that DIY LED grow lights would probably be getting popular by now...but I don't see much information. ANybody have any links or info on this?
I've seen a few links around here in the past, but also try Google. LEDs are getting there, but I think the jury is still out on their overall performance. Hopefully within a couple of years they will be both proven and affordable.
if you want diy, this may help. i wouldnt go any less than 1w leds.i think the common viewing angle is 45 deg. it gets expensive thou at over $2 a led. a 100w light is already over $200 and you still need the hardware to build . plus the time in connecting all those leds together... good luck and i look fowrard to seeing what you come up with. eLED.com, your online source of LEDs. Products include: LED Lamp, LED Display. SMD LED, SMT LED, Surface Mount, Ultra Bright LED, White & Blue LED, Circuit Board Indicators, Dot Matrix Display, Light Pipe, IR & Phototransist www.dotcom-monitor.com